Rings...Olympic Triumphic

Rings…five of them
Rings…entangled of them
Rings…enticing of them
Rings…competing of them
Rings…Citius (faster)
Rings…Altius (higher)
Rings…fortius (stronger)
Rings…bringing world together
Rings…measuring world together
Rings…suffering for larger goal
Rings…striving for patriotic dole
Rings…body sport
Rings…mind court
Rings…narrator of victory
Rings…moorings of creating history
Rings…life and death for a many
Rings…can be a story of any
Rings…bring home golds even for Kazakhstan
Rings…elude hope for a massive Hindusthan
Rings…what’s lacking in our mass-vast-country
Rings…it’s bundle of excuses and blame-lame-factory
Rings…country please pull up the bearings
Rings…country please dull up the bickerings
Rings…you can win too
Rings…we don’t need once in four years’ Olympic’s woo
Rings…aren’t restricted to sport, with a few day’s strife
Rings…are a lesson for life
Rings…YOU can be RINGS too
Rings…perform everyday you
Rings…cheer self and every other you
Rings…love every other and you
Rings…bliss every other than you
Rings…ring in the new…who will do all this
Rings…you…you and of course you.

Happy Olympic. Happy Triumphic.


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