Learning in progress

Aristotle  when asked what is human good..”.is it the gratification of appetiser as defined by Plato?” “NO” says Aristotle.

When asked if it is the gratification of the spirit, NO says Aristotle.

When asked if it is gratification of higher self, intellectual and reasoning…YES says Aristotle.

Only that Aristotle differs from Plato in that Plato looks at external form and Aristotle looks within.

He goes on to say that the highest good lies in manifesting the functional element of any self
…a knife is supposed to cut and that is its functional element,
…paperweight has to be apt in its function of lending weight and not letting papers fly
….so what is the functionality of human
…he says human has to be good in reasoning and accord with virtues

Rene Descartes posit says in a single statement, “I think therefore I am”. Which means that if you cease to think you would cease to exist.

Indian word for philosophy is darshanshaastra. The etymology or meaning of the constituent of the word means to witness or see or have darshan. The meaning is even deeper as it calls for everybody to see for the self rather than hear else.

As said by a great man: the purpose of life is to have a life of purpose.

The quest for inquiry into the purpose of life has puzzled almost everybody who has walked on this earth.

Some have been able to discover the iceberg like the aforementioned arguments. Then again there have been philosophers after philosophers.

There are no easy answers and there are no universal answers. Everybody has his personal quest in this world to determine the question and also the answer.

Once upon a time a person went to Ramkrishna Paramhansa and asked him that I have been praying and chanting and wanting to know about the purpose of life and the god truth but haven’t succeeded. Ramkrishnaji took him to a water body nearby and asked him to take a dip and come out. He did so and then again Ramkrishnaji asked him to take a dip. This time Ramkrishnaji used his force and hand and made him dipped for sometime till he started feeling suffocation…feeling and fearing death. After sometime Ramkrishnaji took him out and the man looked completely bewildered. Ramkrishnaji asked him that when he started feeling suffocated as to what was on his mind….he said that his mind and body gathered every bit of concentration and energy to get come out and catch breath. Ramkrishnaji smiled and said that is exactly the level of concentration and energy he needs to put consistently to experience God. Also that God can’t be experienced through the five senses. God sense is the sixth sense subject.

Finally a small poem,

Who are we in the when we are,
Why are we in the where we are,
How are we in the what we are,
Puzzles are we in the mind we are,
Moving are we in the static we are,
Memories are we in the death we are,
Truth are we in the quest we are,
Bliss are we in the tryst we are,
Peace are we in the life clutter we are
Will are we in the won’t we are
Pure are we in the lure we are
Uni are we in the verse we are (universe)
Soul are we in the sole we are

My learning is in progress on this.

Happy Purpose. Happy Plus. Happy Surplus.


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