Diffi-cult is a cult

Difficult to remember, easier to forget
Difficult to concentrate, easier to wander
Difficult path to success, easier path to status quo
Difficult is to discover, easier is to cover

Difficult to stand and for truth, easier to lie and lie
Difficult to stand up for a cause, easier to “because”
Difficult to think institution, nation first but easier to think about self first
Difficult to tolerate, but easier to blame

Difficult to stand criticism, easier to criticise stand
Difficult to think…but easier to think it is difficult

Definition of Difficult is nothing but opposite of “cult”…diffi + cult.
Cult is culture…beliefs, thoughts, feelings, manifested in various “forms” of behaviour. Anything which is against the erstwhile or “used to” or “habituated” becomes against or new to the cult or culture. Hence to push oneself out of the cult is something that is difficult.

In ageless wisdom it’s called the “sanskara”  संस्कार  which gets programmed over many lives and more so in this life. Changing “sanskara” संस्कार  is DIFFICULT but whenever sanskaras were being formed or sanskaras became sanskaras, they were overwriting earlier imprints or earlier impressions anyways.

Appreciating the Flexibility and Elasticity of Sanskaras for Larger Good.

Dreading this flexibility and elasticity of Sanskaras for Opportunism or Self Good.


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