Power of Words

Asked one gentleman…how important is language to the nature of thoughts?
Well the other one said that Language is to Thoughts what’s Shadow is to Light. It’s obviously strongly correlated and also causal.
Come to think of it, each of us think in a particular language and then give it various forms by verbal and non verbal language. It should come as a surprise that the undefined science behind the importance of language for exchanging vibes has been age old. One such traditional studies has been in Kabbalah, the ancient mystical religious interpretation under Judaism.

The foundational texts of Kabbalah can have four levels of interpretations

Peshat (lit. “simple”): the direct interpretations of meaning.

Remez (lit. “hint[s]“): the allegoric meanings (through allusion).

Derash (from Heb. darash: “inquire” or “seek”): midrashic (Rabbinic) meanings, often with imaginative comparisons with similar words or verses.

Sod (lit. “secret” or “mystery”): the inner, esoteric (metaphysical) meanings, expressed in kabbalah.

In the movie, The Reader starring Richard Gere, it has tried to create a beautiful translate of the importance of paying attention and living and feeling and concentrating on each word rather than getting lost in the rapid pace of sentence.

Words are verbal embodiments of energy and information and not just information. Hence when we speak, the real true energy that we have for the subject/person gets transferred. If we think ill about the person, no matter what beautiful words we use to persuade him or her, the true energy gets transferred. It’s through practice of concentrating on words and the energy behind it that one can, over a period of time, realize the true sentiment of the other.

Alternately one can master to only release positive energy even to his or her adversary or opponent or detractors and then wrap this energy in the words one uses for the others.

Appreciating the power of words. Use them with conscience and not as available, aplenty, commodity. As they say, ” the gift of gab (speech) is useless if you don’t know how to wrap it”.

Happy Word. Happy World
true word. True world
pure word. Pure world.
Sure word. Sure world
Kind word. Kind world.
Loving word. Loving world.

As is your word…so is your world.


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