Getting it Right
This morning while I am waiting for my first meeting at Mazgoan, a very thickly populated area of South Mumbai, an interesting thing happened.
I wanted to communicate the person ( I am about to meet) and was sending SMS through my small touchscreen Samsung mobile. For the 300 odd characters I typed, I would have got wrong typing at least 10 % times. And every time I would get it wrong, there was a frustration. After sending the message, I started pondering over this innate and inborn desire to “get it right”. As I am thinking I am discovering that since childhood till now when there are layers and layers of experience, perception, memories built in…the neural network gets programmed to look at the world in a certain way.
Things to do and what things are right
How to do them and which way is right way
When to do and what time is the right timing…
Somehow everything falls in the perspective of RIGHT or Wrong and when we don’t get it right, the neural network generates a bio correlate to disincentivise the body…perhaps in a way exactly opposite to dopamine or oxytocin generation that rewards or incentivises when things pleasure us or excite us or falls under the purview of right.
Learning for me… Developing tolerance for wrong…not in a manner of overlooking but in a manner of improving the next time. Somehow we need to consciously fight the inner mind for developing the stomach for wrong even when the overarching desire is to get it right.
Right and wrong are perspectives that get developed in society and assimilated or formed in individuals.
A famous poet once said, It’s right to constantly monitor and refine the right but its wrong to continuously rue the wrong and not think about the right.
Appreciating the two world of Right and Wrong. Because there is wrong, the right has an identity but wrong need not be manifested in reality…it can be extrapolated in imagination to give life and right to right.
Have a Right Day. Have a bright day.
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