Appreciating Music

Music has been the muse, the enthuse, the hues of life for time immemorial.

What is it about Music that gets most of us moving?
  • Latest Research in Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, Anthropology, Musicology have revealed that Music and Language have co-developed almost at the same time. And there are astonishing similarities and dissimilarities in the way music and language are interpreted.
  • Music lends the essential vibrations through rhythm, melody, syntax & affect
  • These vibrations vibe at the cellular level of the human being and generate an emotion.
  • These vibrations send neural signals which in turn send bio-signals for relevant hormone changes or protein changes thus giving the elated or humble feeling
Music & Time:
  • Eight century music was all about praising God,
  • in 12th Century it was interpreting God’s Design.
  • In 15th Century it was planetary movements.
  • Thereafter it was the emotional turbulence of Mankind
  • Today’s Music is as per the speed of life…fast, digital, shorter shelf life [missing loyalty for long time], etc
The Music of Love, The Music of Life,
The Music of Local, The Music of Rife
The Music of Mystery, The Music of Known,
The Music of Heard, The Music of Shown
Appreciation for the speechless impact of Music.


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