Appreciating Gunas
This very moment spending with Dr Chandrasekhar and feeling elated. He is the guy who is propounding the concept of psycho-neurobics marrying concepts of neuroscience, psychology and ancient ageless wisdom. He is the one with whom I have just connected a couple of weeks back to fast track the positive environment @ workplace concepts. We have just today decided to work together and I am very happy to share this with all of you.
It is really fascinating to get enlightened first hand about the power and will of the
Atma …the soul,
Buddhi…the Vivek or discretion,
Mann…the desire cart
Innately we are all born with the following disposition
…knowledge…the eternal truth…knowledge of marketing will liberate from ignorance of marketing, knowledge of sales will liberate from ignorance of sales. But life is too short to cover all the functions and industries or faculties. Hence the knowledge that liberates from ignorance of all and everything in the world is the eternal truth.
…peace…soul is innately peace loving. We would all like to own, experience and propagate peace. Anything which is non peace results in zero sum game in the world where somebody’s gain is certainly somebody else’s loss.
…loving…Says Tagore…”Love is at the heart of universe’s existence”. Hence the natural tendency of humans is to love. In fact we go even further in terms of our natural bio makeup where the term biophilia describes our inborn desire to love other life forms or systems as in nature, animals, etc. Some studies have shown that two set of patients…one having bed facing nature and the other set having bed facing brick wall. The ones facing the nature have record lesser time for healing than the ones facing brick wall.
…happiness…researcher Nancy Etcoff explains the science of happiness by mentioning that everybody wants happiness and more of it but in the quest for milestones (at which we believe that we will experience happiness), we all keep losing the beautiful happiness through active awareness of the present. In fact in another research by Harvard University, it was concluded that teams that became winning teams accorded to the journey as happy than the achievement or final success. I am reminded of Singer Shaan with the Hindi Song “hum jo chalne lage, chalne lage hain yeh raaste, manzil se behtar lagne lage hain yeh raaste”
…bliss…the beautiful feeling of elation, no-bodyness…is what we all seek in subconscious but it never gets translated in picture or visualisation as we all are chasing worldly pleasures.
…power …here “will -power”..the power through which one can train his energy for the aforementioned gunas and eventually achieve
If we look inside this then most of us would tend to say that if we are given some basic assurance or security in life’s basic needs, then we can nurture and caretake the aforementioned gunas or qualities. But the life fact is that the goal post around which we channel energies keep shifting and the time never comes.
Friends..the time is now…the matter is now…the space is now…Act Now.
Incidentally that’s also the sub-message of our next months badge which revolves around Youth. Youth is not bound by age or look or appearance. Youth is the attitude, the sankalp or determination. I am trying to sankalp for the aforementioned and I am sure you all have a very important role to play in helping me in the same.
Appreciating the power of gunas…can we ware it…can we wear it and before that can we aware it.
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