
Over the weekend, I could catch a beautiful movie based on a true story…”Not without my Daughter”… It dated back to the 80′s and showed the struggle of a woman who fell in love with an Iranian while being in USA. Both of them got married and had a beautiful daughter. The man then persuaded the woman to visit Iran once and …once she was in Iran, she had the experience that changed her life. She was home arrested in her own in-laws house and was treated with abject vlolence. Her passport was seized by her husband and was not allowed to either divorce nor leave the country. Even the USA embassy couldn’t help her. This movie depicted the draconian laws that made mockery of civil rights and especially the treatment to women.

The movie is also in some way a triumph or victory of the will and determination where it shows as to how the woman rescued herself amidst terror struck home, terror struck country and terror struck neighboring country.

While our country may be going through several chronic problems which we all hear, see, experience everyday, it still offers immense freedom to all of us. Even in today’s day and age, there are several countries that have dictatorial regime and little civil rights.

If we go back into history then our mankind has existed in different scale and size of communities. Such communities would have its own code of conduct. If one delves into Plato Socrates city state comparison, or Vedic definite of Varnas, one finds the fine balance of freedom with accountability. Then again if one reads AmartyaSen’s “the idea of justice”, it very finely describes the tease between freedom of individual and justice interpreted-delivered in the society. It becomes difficult in so mentioned because one mans freedom can be an infringement on other mans freedom. The Government or constitution needs to provide for optimal freedom, optimal accountability, optimal governance and optimum peace.

Recent debates of the world between people like Dinesh D’souza (luminary in field of philosophy and Christianity), Rajiv Malhotra( renowned Eastern Wisdom evangelist), David Silverman, Michael Shemmer, etc bring home the point that ages after ages and sages after sages, people have misutilized freedom which has resulted into revolt for

…freedom can’t be coded and defined to the last mile as if it was so then everybody would have behaved in exact same manner

…freedom can’t be coded and defined to the last mile as each of us have our own perceptions and perspectives and they do conflict with others

So where is the intersection or meeting of the spirit of the law and the law of the land. I guess it starts and ends with each of us. Deep inside of us, all of us have a soul or conscience that constantly yearns and desires and craves and seeks eternal truth, peace, purity, happiness, love, bliss and power of will.

Leo Tolstoy: Only one clear quality marks an action as good or evil: if it increases the amount of love in the world, its good. If it separates people and create animosity, it is evil.

Let’s discover freedom in each moment and comb it with whether our freedom increases love.
Appreciating the power of freedom but with the responsibility and accountability.

Happy free spirit. Happy day.


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