Emotion Factory

A friend of mine said last evening that her husband doesn’t like the food she makes.

Well! Two qualifications here. One that each person has his individual palette or taste buds that get fulfilled differently. Then again, some food are said to be liked by very many people meaning it touches and excites these many people’s palette.

I have eaten food that she cooks and can vouch that she really cooks awesome.

There are many things that define a human being in common and universal denomination. One such thing is that we are emotional being and that we constantly wrap emotions around anything and everything…be it facts or judgement or nouns or pronouns or adjectives or verbs.

Tony Robbins is an international coach and constantly questions ” why do we do what we do?” and concludes that we constantly steer the vehicle of emotion. There again Jiddu Krishnamurthy describes emotions as the cloth we wear over our human and our being. When a person does something for someone with positive emotion or out of care…there are times when people don’t notice the same. Because people are constantly caught in the television containing 65,000 channels per second…constantly surfing them consciously or sub-consciously. Can you even imagine surfing these many channels in your real television. I am sure you will go dizzy and report vertigo. This leads to a state where people surfing these channels ( neural firing in the brain) are bound to lose out some important channel that you are trying to show them. In the aforementioned example of my friend, while she wanted her husband to look at the channel of her positive and caring emotion of cooking for him, he was preoccupied with the maze of his own 65000 channel library.

Lesson for my friend: In these cases, my friend has to promote her channel and attract attention or draw attention by forthrightly but politely though, mentioning or referring about it. Long term dharma would mean for this friend to continue her karma with same positive and caring emotions. While lesson for my friend’s husband, actively disengage from the channel library and be aware of the positive channels around. If a particular transmitter channel of emotion doesn’t catch the frequency of the subject or targeted person then the emotion is likely to go down over a period of time as the transmitter is bound by worldly ways and not necessarily evolved dharmic orientation.

We are all emotional beings. In fact in Hindu Mythology, the Three Goddesses have the potential purport


Saraswati…knowledge but flowing knowledge …not to be hoarded and it has roots in the word “Saras” which means flowing

Durga…misunderstood as power…actually the word is “empower”.

Imagine I write a mail to any of you and appreciate a quality or deed or thought or feeling. Immediately I would have created a neural firing in you which generates a bio firing which creates a positive and exciting state of your cells and the summation of it creates a positive attitude in you. What I have done is “empowered” you…

Empowering others is empowering self…

Appreciating others is tacitly appreciating oneself…Tagore once said : only a person who pulls himself out from routine and takes time to halt and appreciate is true being. All else are not “beings” but ” process”
Appreciating emotions …their awareness around us…and the ability to empower others.

The Emotion you give, the emotion you get 
More of it you give, more likely more you will get 
Get human, get being, 
Get emotional, emotional beget.


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