
Showing posts from July, 2012


Over the weekend, I could catch a beautiful movie based on a true story…”Not without my Daughter”… It dated back to the 80′s and showed the struggle of a woman who fell in love with an Iranian while being in USA. Both of them got married and had a beautiful daughter. The man then persuaded the woman to visit Iran once and …once she was in Iran, she had the experience that changed her life. She was home arrested in her own in-laws house and was treated with abject vlolence. Her passport was seized by her husband and was not allowed to either divorce nor leave the country. Even the USA embassy couldn’t help her. This movie depicted the draconian laws that made mockery of civil rights and especially the treatment to women. The movie is also in some way a triumph or victory of the will and determination where it shows as to how the woman rescued herself amidst terror struck home, terror struck country and terror struck neighboring country. While our country may be going ...

Emotion Factory

A friend of mine said last evening that her husband doesn’t like the food she makes. Well! Two qualifications here. One that each person has his individual palette or taste buds that get fulfilled differently. Then again, some food are said to be liked by very many people meaning it touches and excites these many people’s palette. I have eaten food that she cooks and can vouch that she really cooks awesome. There are many things that define a human being in common and universal denomination. One such thing is that we are emotional being and that we constantly wrap emotions around anything and everything…be it facts or judgement or nouns or pronouns or adjectives or verbs. Tony Robbins is an international coach and constantly questions ” why do we do what we do?” and concludes that we constantly steer the vehicle of emotion. There again Jiddu Krishnamurthy describes emotions as the cloth we wear over our human and our being. When a person does something for someon...

Appreciating Gunas

This very moment spending with Dr Chandrasekhar and feeling elated. He is the guy who is propounding the concept of psycho-neurobics marrying concepts of neuroscience, psychology and ancient ageless wisdom. He is the one with whom I have just connected a couple of weeks back to fast track the positive environment @ workplace concepts. We have just today decided to work together and I am very happy to share this with all of you. It is really fascinating to get enlightened first hand about the power and will of the Atma …the soul, Buddhi…the Vivek or discretion, Mann…the desire cart Innately we are all born with the following disposition …knowledge…the eternal truth…knowledge of marketing will liberate from ignorance of marketing, knowledge of sales will liberate from ignorance of sales. But life is too short to cover all the functions and industries or faculties. Hence the knowledge that liberates from ignorance of all and everything in the world is the eternal tr...

Getting it Right

This morning while I am waiting for my first meeting at Mazgoan, a very thickly populated area of South Mumbai, an interesting thing happened. I wanted to communicate the person ( I am about to meet) and was sending SMS through my small touchscreen Samsung mobile. For the 300 odd characters I typed, I would have got wrong typing at least 10 % times. And every time I would get it wrong, there was a frustration. After sending the message, I started pondering over this innate and inborn desire to “get it right”. As I am thinking I am discovering that since childhood till now when there are layers and layers of experience, perception, memories built in…the neural network gets programmed to look at the world in a certain way. Things to do and what things are right How to do them and which way is right way When to do and what time is the right timing… Etc. Somehow everything falls in the perspective of RIGHT or Wrong and when we don’t get it right, the neural network ...

Power of Words

Asked one gentleman…how important is language to the nature of thoughts?   Well the other one said that Language is to Thoughts what’s Shadow is to Light. It’s obviously strongly correlated and also causal.   Come to think of it, each of us think in a particular language and then give it various forms by verbal and non verbal language. It should come as a surprise that the undefined science behind the importance of language for exchanging vibes has been age old. One such traditional studies has been in Kabbalah, the ancient mystical religious interpretation under Judaism. The foundational texts of Kabbalah can have four levels of interpretations Peshat (lit. “simple”): the direct interpretations of meaning. Remez (lit. “hint[s]“): the allegoric meanings (through allusion). Derash (from Heb. darash: “inquire” or “seek”): midrashic (Rabbinic) meanings, often with imaginative comparisons with similar words or verses. Sod (lit. “secret” or “mystery”): ...

Poetic Render

Traveling early morning today in my car, I heard a beautiful song which had some para which went like this Kahin naa laage mann [my heart-feeling-thoughts feels lost] Kaisa hai yeh soonapann [how and what is this vacuum or emptiness] When I heard this, my world sort of stopped…everything around me was frozen in time. Heart-thoughts-feelings have been trained over the years to seek-yearn-churn-crave for desires through senses. When one loses some big desire/attachment then the feeling is one of emptiness. So it means that the heart-thoughts-feelings can not survive or live without desires. But this is exactly what our Vedas or Caballah [ancient Judaism concepts] tell about detaching oneself from desires/attachment and yet having sthitha-pradnya [steady state of wisdom]. Its difficult to achieve this but with practice, it can come natural. The world traverses between the following Bahirang [external sources of pleasures & seeking] for Self where Self is forth/prior to ...


Took a picture some moments back while flowing for a meeting. Clouds…some dark some white Clouds…some weight some light Clouds…some together some fight Clouds…some loose some tight Clouds…some at low some at height Clouds…some smiling some slight Clouds…some weak some might Clouds…some land some flight Appreciating the Cloudsome…the blanket that teases between the universe and us. Resists ultra-violet, carries rainbow, carries rain, shades  at times lay bare. Cloud logic is another magic in our being

Child Guru

There can be no better exhibition of Innocence than a Child. There can be no higher curiosity than of a Child. There is everyday Innovation and Discovery A Child Experiences. Can we as adult have the innocence (unlearning), curiosity ( asking, thinking even if it is silly without curbing them by thinking what others would think?) ? If we are able to have these simple (simple because if it is simple enough for a child to have …then it’s a child’s play and we should have it easy) qualities or habits, Then Innovation and Discovery will come Natural, Frequent and Fulfilling to us. Appreciating the Teacher/Guru Called Child.

Reason and Thinking

In subject of philosophy, western gaze or model discuss, debate the theories or findings of Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Hume, Sigmund Freud, Jonathan Evans. Each of these luminaries stressed upon the fact that the biggest distinguishing factors for humans is the ability to think in multi-dimension of time, space, matter over many possibilities. It was later theorised by neuroscience that the development of the frontal area of brain called the prefrontal cortex ( 2 million years ago it was a pound and quarter mass of brain which has grown into three pound now) that led to complex thinking, cognitive process. Even Devdutt Patnaik, Chief Belief Officer of Future Group, stresses the importance of imagination that precedes actual event. Long story short, it’s the human ability to use ones thinking abilities or reasoning abilities that is super super powerful. Question is “have we become a better society?”. Each of us has our own answers. My answer is that we haven’t real...

Turn the gaze and amaze

Series 1; Volume 3  I put on red glasses/ spectacles and I see the world red, I put on green glasses/spectacles and I see the world green, Who chooses the glasses…it’s me. Says Krishnamurthy J, all the sensory experience (through visual, smell, sound, taste, touch) of a being is driven by intersection or interplay of the sensory organs ( panchjnanendriya )driven by memory and choice of screening. Such screen is one that of looking consciously for positivity or turning negative. Through the wonderful art of self-discovery and meditation, one can make sure that the screen chosen to think-feel-act can be a positive one more times than negative. Mankind through its journey from homohabilis to homo sapiens have designed several forms of self discovery and meditation. Some of them have been consumed under religious medium whilst some more cutting across lifestyle. Appreciating the wonderful inner world of inner engineering through meditation and self- discovery. ...

Appreciating Music

Music has been the muse, the enthuse, the hues of life for time immemorial. What is it about Music that gets most of us moving? Latest Research in Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, Anthropology, Musicology have revealed that Music and Language have co-developed almost at the same time. And there are astonishing similarities and dissimilarities in the way music and language are interpreted. Music lends the essential vibrations through rhythm, melody, syntax & affect These vibrations vibe at the cellular level of the human being and generate an emotion. These vibrations send neural signals which in turn send bio-signals for relevant hormone changes or protein changes thus giving the elated or humble feeling Music & Time: Eight century music was all about praising God, in 12th Century it was interpreting God’s Design. In 15th Century it was planetary movements. Thereafter it was the emotional turbulence of Mankind Today’s Music is as per the speed of life...

Appreciating Sun

Series 1; Volume 1 Subject: Appreciation Sun, the mighty sun…the brightly sun, the gutsy sun. Imagine the razor sharp precision that it carries about the following …enormous control of the explosion happening on its surface that it’s temperature stays consistently within the temperature band and we, during the day, do not see massive fluctuation. ….what of is it’s surface made that it doesn’t implode or burst open despite such high temperature  explosive activity …what is the spin provided to it that it stays constantly in space with the orbital activity of planets, meteors, stars, happening all around for millions of light years …what guides the rays of sun to behave the way they do in sense of the linearity of direction, what to penetrate and what to lie opaque to …what guides the rays of sun to carry physical and chemical properties like temperature, light, ability to create different pressure zones which leads to wind direction …how does sun rays behav...