"Yes" Iceberg, "No" Volcano

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Next time when people say "Yes", beware !!!

A latest study amongst the best employers of the world suggests that "Yes" has become a commodity. It isn't a customized response.

So why have employees stopped saying "No".


"Yes" seems to have survival advantage...or so it seems**.

"No" as an answer or response can't be tolerated by many listener.

The proverbial turn towards the "yes" lane or the "no" lane comes at the crossroad of reason and faith.

The team-lead or manager would walk in and want accomplice. Hence reason is fired !!!!

But the "Yes" so achieved is the tip of the iceberg. The underlying/invisible part of the iceberg is a big "doubt" or a "no".

And this "no" or "doubt" keeps the water (feeling) engaged in coil and boil thus preparing for a volcano. Politics (Poll by an Ivy League US University), Disengagement (Gallup Poll Suggests 70% of employees), Stress ( American Psychiatry Association) are a byproduct of such iceberg creation.

Organization is an ocean of collective feeling. What people say could be very different from what they feel.

Some of the remedies could be honest conversations, coaching leaders and managers in building the "truth" culture.

Subjects such as "Reach of reason" and "leap of faith" should be part of corporate training curriculum. And that too as a continuous learning, not just a crash course.

Through this:
  • Employees would realize the depth of words, the lust of opinion, the "me right" addiction. During this path, one would realize the fact that through five centuries of massive scientific advancements, we know only 0.01% of what the same science claims as worthy of knowing. Hence the arrogance of "I know" can be blunted.

  • Employees would realize that all things can't be explained in same level of details, owing to the fast life of a corporate. As Swami Vivekananda beautifully said that one should have thirst for that wisdom which can use knowledge as a tool for collaboration.
  • However, some key strategic topics would be reasoned well. And they would link to higher meaning and purpose. As Dr Martin Seligman says that humans exhibit teleology...choice of action in light of goals. Once higher meaning and purpose becomes a constant culture, employees would long and belong for the organization.
  • Leaders would display exemplar of virtues and hence elicit faith amongst employees whenever reasons are weak/fast/missing. History quotes through its anecdotes that quality of life and commitment of a community depends on the quality of its leadership.
** a constant "yes" in one's speech, while a thinking-feeling of a "no" inside, prones the person to mental illnesses which has psychosomatic influence leading to body ailments. It surely puts a brake on collaboration, creativity and productivity.

A Happy No to a Happy Yes.


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