Are we baking sense?

70/365/24/7 Online.
(70 yrs avg age: WHO).

That's human.

Occupied all the time.

Occupied in mining memories, playing sensories, rearranging materials, influencing minds.

By now, we have reached an age of information obesity.

Hence each of us have to be sense-making very fast, at a huge scale...meaning almost industrial mode.

Sense-making is on an industrial mode.

Is industrial mode good?

Lets peep at one of our age-old & tasty occupations.

Food. Cooking. Eating.

Inline image 3

Michael Pollan is a contemporary thinker on food and culture.
Studying treatment of food...from its raw consumption era to industrial cooking era.
Seeing four distinct evolution in human history.
1st:  Raw food meets fire.
2nd: Raw food meets water heating.
3rd:  Raw food meets air baking.
4th:  Raw food meets earth fermentation.
Optimizing & Balancing effort, taste and nourishment.
Delivering health for a long time.
Somewhere in 1950s, World War 2 technologies started entering industries.
Industries started cooking food.
Colonializing kitchens.
Obituary-izing deep-organic nourishment.
Experience of gathering ingredients, understanding their chemistry, experimenting with permutations, started becoming vintage.
One of the most gratifying occupations of humans now was outsourced.
Michael has been wary of industrial scale.
Can be witnessed around. Take the litmus.

Do you know one person at least who is suffering from cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, obesity, stress, back pain?

If the answer is Yes

1) then the reasons are deeply rooted (amongst other factors) in the sense of food gathering-making-eating habits.
Shifting from industrial food to slow cooked home food is one remedy suggested by many thinkers of slow food revolution, organic farming, wellness consultants & peak performance coaches.
2) then it is also connected to human sense making?
We constantly keep making sense and we keep serving sense to people around.
However due to the velocity of our interactions, workflows, etc, we have stopped processing information organically.
One sanskrit guidance is "srotavyam manntavyam niddhidyastavyam"...deep listening, deep reflection, deep internalization/liberation.
Since we have to serve sense on an industrial scale, we have stopped going deep into things.... going into deeper "meaning/purpose".
Absence of deep "meaning/purpose" from the food called information, makes us suffer in all forms of human relations & accomplishments.
Wisdom traditions tell us that almost all people, no matter where they are in the age cycle/corporate ladder/relations, can experience deeper "meaning/purpose" and do exceedingly well.
Wisdom living is the larger curriculum answer.

Meanwhile some small ways

...thrice in the day, let go of an "outsmarting" comment

or one colleague achieve one of his target for the day


...just sit down-explore meanings of words like "love", "joy" (not pleasure), "compassion"and how it affects your profession/business and inner being.
Our research of 100+ thinkers says that

...when people start baking sense not with industrial cooking of information but organic cooking of information,

...when people ferment their memories with benign bacterias of symbiosis and use the preservatives of ageless intellect/wisdom,
...then individuals and hence India will be more happy-healthy-together.
Slow food for the body-needs and slow food for mind shall help individuals move towards peak performance. 


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