Organizations clay meanings
An attempt to draw semblance to two popular modern principles of
management (by Jim Collins of Built-to-Last & Good-to-Great fame)
and happiness (Dr Martin Seligman- Speaker/Consultant to UK &
Australia Government on Happiness Index) with ancient wisdom. There is
sure overlap even between these five concepts if one spends just two
minutes to understand.
Breathe India is an initiative to encourage daily tiny acts for happy-healthy-together India.
makes the world go around" is a popular saying. And its also visible
that the set of values nursed by capitalism/free market economies also
become people's own set of values in almost all walks of life. Hence if
corporate sector is able to bring a shift in their consciousness, it
will have tremendous impact on the society.
Last decade saw some organizations dip into their
existence and trying to find meanings...deeper meanings. And this led to
several functions of the organizations also following,
finance, etc. However, most organizations are still trying to wink and
smartly connect their deeds to some meanings and not deeply imbibe them.
Most organizations and occupations are busy
creating-feeding-filling goods & services of pleasures/economic
engine. The inherent impermanent nature of pleasure/economic engine
results in burn out and kleshas (wrong tendencies). There are solutions
though...possible when individual and/or organizations start looking at
the other two parts of the triad and incorporate them with equal
attention and resources. This also has the potential to create
lasting...more impactful organizations or individual lives.
Daily Tiny Act: Spending just two minutes in the day and
realizing if one spent attention and activity for the other two triad.
Our studies reveal that if you aren't doing so, very soon you shall be
extremely vulnerable to chronic lifestyle diseases and/or burnt out in
personal/professional life.
Breathe India is an initiative to encourage daily tiny acts for happy-healthy-together India.
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