Corporate is a department store
I went to a retail format over the weekend.
Management chaos + Chaos Management at its feed-forward-back best.
Categories clubbed and displayed separately. Having different brands
and SKUs. However different products and brands have error-full
Brands don't talk to each other as they are in competition.
Brands & Product Categories have no collaboration.
Each brand and product category shouting loud to get attention and stamp of approval.
Because the more attention and approvals they get from customer, they have a life of moving higher on the shelves and even occupying larger real estate in the store.
Product categories range across Maslow's Hierarchy or Vedic Purusharth, from utilities' product to actualization-positioned-
Cut this to corporate now.
Individual employees are brands.
Corporate Departments are product categories.
Hierarchy of Trainees to Leadership are the Maslow's Hierarchy...Leaders here have a job. Job of managing numbers-market-share, etc. Duty of aiding higher knowledge, actualizations for all stakeholders.
of the extinct humans (out of the 100 billion who have walked this
earth since our human beginnings), teach us some lessons.
Creativity and Productivity are the only two roles of organization and individuals. [Creativity = Brahma, Productivity= Vishnu-Managing, Mahesh-Destruction]
Collaboration is the approach...attitude.
For time immemorial, collaboration can be brought about by consistent interventions of:
- Wisdom Discussions (to understand belief systems...Bhakti/Passion & Gyan/Worldly Knowledge...imbibe morality & discipline)
- Tools-Techniques for karma/performance (for attention management/mindfulness/mind-
body-soul balance),
the wisdom discussions and tools-techniques can have interesting
methodologies of role play, use of furnitures of culture & fun
It can simply begin by placing the telescope of observation to the closer planet called "Self"
Breathe India is an initiative to encourage daily tiny acts for happy-healthy-together India.
Management chaos + Chaos Management at its feed-forward-back best.
Brands don't talk to each other as they are in competition.
Brands & Product Categories have no collaboration.
Each brand and product category shouting loud to get attention and stamp of approval.
Because the more attention and approvals they get from customer, they have a life of moving higher on the shelves and even occupying larger real estate in the store.
Product categories range across Maslow's Hierarchy or Vedic Purusharth, from utilities' product to actualization-positioned-
Individual employees are brands.
Corporate Departments are product categories.
Hierarchy of Trainees to Leadership are the Maslow's Hierarchy...Leaders here have a job. Job of managing numbers-market-share, etc. Duty of aiding higher knowledge, actualizations for all stakeholders.
Employees & Departments are constantly jostling for attention-budgets-authority.
Creativity and Productivity are the only two roles of organization and individuals. [Creativity = Brahma, Productivity= Vishnu-Managing, Mahesh-Destruction]
Collaboration is the approach...attitude.
No collaboration can be brought about unless people understand Self and Others.
For time immemorial, collaboration can be brought about by consistent interventions of:
- Wisdom Discussions (to understand belief systems...Bhakti/Passion & Gyan/Worldly Knowledge...imbibe morality & discipline)
- Tools-Techniques for karma/performance (for attention management/mindfulness/mind-
It can simply begin by placing the telescope of observation to the closer planet called "Self"
Daily Tiny Act, Breathe India:
What did you create today?
What did you manage today?
What did you destroy today?
creates, manages, destroys a lot everyday. Maybe, we aren't aware of
it. Shift awareness and recall, one act for each of the above. Recall
the one which you would have shared with a friend as a learning
experience. Breathe India is an initiative to encourage daily tiny acts for happy-healthy-together India.
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