On last Thursday, I was having a word with the Asia Pac Head of a successful company. Our discussions strolled the sticky aisles of office politics. Why is it so widespread across corporate? Our boots went into the history first. The original definition of the word "politics" was about its ability to influence community. Meaning that, (a) every human interacts with other humans, and (b) in doing so, influences each other. The quality of influence is always towards a goal. The goal is either self-serving or serving a community or a beautiful combination of both. It would be visible in interactions/influence, whether the influencer (any human) is operating from centers of half-knowledge, ego, jealousy, unbridled desire, insecurity on one hand or from compassion, friendliness, joy, discretion on the other hand. Coming back to corporate. Corporate is its "collective "will"" vs its "collective won't". Every employee ...