
Showing posts from 2013

Promissory or Promiscuous Note

Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself - Khalil Gibran. Promissory ˈpr ɒ m ɪ s(ə)ri/ 1.        conveying or implying a promise. Promiscuous prəˈm ɪ skj ʊ əs/ 1.        demonstrating or implying an unselective approach; indiscriminate or casual. In conventional parlance, a Bank Note (Dollar Bill or Rupee Note) is frequently referred to as a promissory note… a promissory note made by a bank (Central Bank like RBI in India) and payable to bearer on demand. Here the Bank stands the guarantee for the authenticity, relevance, value of the note. Whereas public in general also issue their own versions of promissory notes: here the promissory note is a legal/financial instrument in which one party ( issuer ) promises in writing to pay a determinate sum of money to the other ( payee ), either at a fixed or determinable ...

HACK-neyed Epidemic

Movie ‘The Departed”… Martin Sheen to Leonardo DiCaprio, “Do you want to be a cop, or do you want to appear to be a cop? It's an honest question. A lot of guys just want to appear to be cops. Gun, badge, pretend they're on TV.” The biggest and longest running “Reality Show” is the Life itself. “The Person inside of his Skin is mostly different from the one outside of his skin”. Everybody seemingly not wanting to be somebody but wanting to appear to be somebody because this appearance has “survival”, “validation”, “recognizable”, “promote-able” values. During the process of self-development while building the one outside of his/her skin, a huge amount of conditioning or programming takes place from the person himself. And when this person goes about transacting with the World, he tries to avoid anybody defeating/hacking into his conditioning/programming/ belief system. This brings us to another universal phenomenon where we are constantly hacking into the others’ cond...

It's an Up(c)hill(y) Task

The trailer of the food recipes through visual and smell appeal made it look very promising. I am talking about a lunch meeting a couple of days ago. As we started having the food movie, some portions really were engaging-palatable and then came in one of our villains...."really hot green chilly". My friend somehow didn't see it coming. And he got so startled by the green chilly as if he has seen a frozen screen frame. What happened after that is a matter everybody is aware of and can relate to...when one's food has chilly way out of his range...the next few minutes or tens of them is a red face, watery eyes, stumbling speech, no taste of anything else. The rush of blood, energy, attention of the whole body to combat the chilly terrorist overtakes the conscious awareness. In such a scenario, any stimuli (advice, kind words, sweet helpings) have little and slow effect. The damage is done and the repair is painful. Cut this to the daily metaphorical chilly intakes o...

unChartered Accountant

Stock Market Exchange is supposedly a faithful entity where willing buyers and willing sellers transact instruments. In the metaphorical stock market called “Human Interactions/Meetings”, a person trades “concepts” (high risk instrument). Why are “concepts” such high risk instrument? Well much on the lines of the value-determination of any high risk financial instrument that is contingent upon several complex variables and its value judgements, “Concepts” too derive its value (or perceived value) based on several variables (person’s historical-cultural context). As humans, we are all constantly trading concepts…all the time when we meet and share our stories, facts, interpretation of facts, predictions, value-judgements, etc. In placing my concepts in front of the other person, the general anticipation/expectation is that the other person would acknowledge-accept my position. And this anticipation is shared vice-versa by the other person too when he is sharing his concepts wi...

Next Y2K Boom: "I"Phone to"We"Phone

Somewhere during the turn of the last millennium, a huge demand surged up...for people who can fix the "clock misdimension" of the already spawning computer networks. This saw enormous jobs getting created, trade barriers collapsing, cultural exchange, and many more wonderful things.... In a way the world co-operating as a one whole. It was a mammoth task and one which was handsomely achieved with phenomenal effort. As we stand today, we see another Y2K boom. Only here that we are  looking at 100 trillion nano-computers multiplied by almost 6 billion mainframes. Each mainframe is a single biological seeming-autonomycalled human being and the 100 trillion nano-computers within this mainframe are his 100 trillion biological cells. Science confirms to us that indeed our cells are like programmable nano-computers and further stressing that the "genes (hereditary instrument or vehicle or program from parent to offspring)" are an epigenetic phenomenon which means wi...

Garden the Monday Blues

  How MBA students@ Georgetown university to have meditation course + how to handle Monday Blues + Tupperware CEO's Mediation regime. Lets start with an interesting finding: As a sign of how much the business world is beginning to consider meditation a supplement to more established career strategies, Georgetown University will be offering a credit course in meditation for its MBA program this year. Garden the Monday Blues For long, Monday mornings have remained an uphill task for many corporate citizen. According to one Gallup study, human species contract a lot of ailments and also mortality on Monday more than any other species. A simple solution comes and converges from multiple wisdom tradition: "When the flower arranger arranges the flowers, he also arranges his mind and the mind of the person who looks at the flowers"- Zen Saying. Hence how we arrange "Monday" in our minds & behavior, influences our day and the onlookers' day to...

Rocket Science of Happiness

Farrah was behind the wheels on the morning of 29 th August taking me to Silverstone Circuit just on the skirts of Northampton-Towcester. Summer had vacated the place and Winter was moving in as the new tenant. The change of season had a metaphoric cousin in the fate of Kenya too. Farah belonged to Kenya and keen-ya he was to go back to his country that was seeing a transformation. Being a cabbie, he was used to ferry various human luggages. Some lean… more hefty, some bright… more dull, some talkative and more mute. He planted the seed of smile on his face from day one of his life as a cabbie. And this seed cross-pollinated magically to most other human luggages too. Upon asked, “Why do you wear a smile?”… his answer was extremely profound. He mentioned that there are two levels of reality which can answer this. At one level, it’s the Ubuntu Philosophy from Africa which simply means that “I am because we are”. He took this further by explaining that if people around are happy and sm...

Immeasurable Perfume: Life

Life not just measurable matter, Immeasurable it's perfume, Things important as love, intuition, companion and bliss , "Measure" preside not but to them it subsume. If mirage were truth, Life be a known...seen... script, Stop...witness...look for your self, It's all a mind's drift. Society a big mall, hard-selling concepts all time, You the buyer, forget not thy chime, You either built by society as a clone, Or simply let your inner shine. Wake up...sleep not...sun always shines, Look not at the cloud over you, Everyone around wants their version and diversion, But you have to define "Who are you?" If moulds were never broken, Life would have been a token, If poetry and prose were the same, No Life would have been ever sung.

Deaf Toll Rises

It was nearing 10 pm and the dark blanket was slowly cushioning the city for a sleep. In this high footfall clinic of a neurosurgeon (medicine), waited some ten patients (rather impatiently) to be seen by the Doctor and then head home. Like in most Dr's clinic, this had some of them read "if you come later than your appointment token number that you have picked up, you will have to take another appointment". The buzzer rang for the 30th patient and he wasn't around. The 31st  patient charmed at the "absence" and hurried his legs for the check-up. After about 5 min, the 30th patient showed up...he was in very bad shape. The receptionist vetoed the condition that afforded him the pardon of missing his turn. But the 32nd patient  got angry and suddenly all the quiet & sad & weak faces somehow from nowhere got into animated energetic beings. Well in the end, the 32nd patient had his way because he didn't wan...

Sensory Jukebox: Bollywood & Mughal Empires

The clouds kept pouring some billions of litres of water over suburbs of Mumbai last afternoon till evening. And I had the opportunity of spending time with two wonderfully learned and experienced souls. First it was Uday Tara Nair who is currently editing the Autobiography of Shri Dilip Kumar [Indian Cinema Legend] and then it was Zafar Iqbal [former IAS officer and former CEO of Shapoorji Pallonji Realty]. Taraji has spent her entire life in the Bollywood Industry and is one of the most respected journalist having spent a long time as Editor of the Screen Magazine in India. During our conversations, we traversed several topics but the one that I really enjoyed were her anecdotal accounts of humane experiences in Bollywood. She narrated the hows of sensory overload in this industry which keeps its people absolutely on super-anxious zone…the way how each movie’s success is a metaphoric EMI paid for staying in the industry or how it turns out to become a repossession case in ca...

International Poverty League (IPL): Humanimal

  “   ”Heat” Check-Out please. “Cloud” is Invited” buzzed Bangalore conversations in the afternoon of 22 nd . Laya Raja, a mid-forties auto-rickshaw guy, despite the torching-torturing heat seemed to carry a patented Smile on his Face…even when things awry everywhere else and most other selves as if losing the patent for Smiles. I quite liked the way he was driving his auto and hence curiously asked as to how come he was managing to ride with such calm and gentle speed where everybody else was trying to only overtake-honk-outsmart- outsignal-outglare-outabuse- outperform-outdo each other…as if every other vehicle on the road was a compulsory competition for survival. He said very beautifully, “Sir, it is true I am driving on the same roads as others are. It is also true that the rules are the same as for others are. This is the system as so for others are. But I chose to drive in a manner that is peaceful for me and doesn’t hurt anybody. If somebody is poor in his vision...

Thought-Feeling Manufacturing Secto


Navarasa Stock Exchange


Chakravyuh, Labyrinth, World War 1, Financial Meltdown

11th April was another day having access to great learnings. Being a Holiday in many offices in Mumbai on the eve of GudiPadwa [New Year], I started late at 10 am and jumped into a Meru Cab parked in the neighborhood. When smiles greet each other, the day has a different meaning. Ashok Shukla is this mid-forties humble cabbie who readily sports his thoughts with passengers. He opened the innings by mentioning that he was reading a Hindi Novel “Mein Banoonga Kalyug ka Abhimanyu” (I will be the Abhimanyu this Dark Age). He went on to describe the protagonist in the novel who resolves to fight despite limited wherewithal-knowledge because he knows that challenge-and-response is central to human life. We volleyed the discussion around the analogy in finer details. It’s a great coincidence that Great Epic Mahabharata’s “Chakravyuh” has similarity to “Labyrinth”(Unicursal Maze…One Way Movement) described with Greek Mythological characters Daedalus-Minos. Both ‘Chakravyuh” ...

SKUewed Life, MIndless Strife

Life is moving so fast that I don’t realize when the day switches on the lights of the night … when the week is inaugurated to give the final departing vote of thanks of its weekend…when festivals appear in foresight of the brisk passing of the hindsight…when the calendar turns old to the just begun new year”…I quipped to myself while conversing with a dear friend last Friday morning. At 140km/hour speed or perhaps more, the social being inside of the car can only focus and experience a few degree of sight/sense at any given moment during the journey. He also sort of cannot afford to attend the scenes passing by. My friend added that the life for most people have become more of this car…the world is the road, worldly life is the car and we all it’s passengers.  The speed of the world life has a strong tail-wind from technology. Number of decisions people make today, number of SKUs as in the product categories that most people use in their life today, number of inte...

Tourist Visa or Prisoner's Cell

Bittu lived in a suburban neighborhood. Growing up on street cricket, economical nukkad, religious mornings, lazy evenings, rationed public utilities, parroted curriculum…time whisked past witnessing one World Cup Win in 1983 to another in 2011. What seemed like a Tourist Visa for relaxation, fun, carefree, indulgence, idealistic thinking as a child gave way to the prisons of dogma, race, fear, insecurity, power. Then  a phenomenon happened onto him over a period of days, weeks, perhaps few years…his questions changed from that of his circle of sentiments…his gaze became curious and yet steady…his speech started becoming stirring and yet soothing…he changes his role for most part of the time to one that of witness than of judge-advocate. He started realizing that the reach of reason is the breach of reality. The Gap between Eternal Right and the Emerging Right is ever widening. Bittu is now romancing sometimes with Solitude in Himalayas and sometimes addressing s...

Bullock Cart, Mercedes, Hummer & Dog Bark

February Heat of the Year 2010 was a fiery torch & torture in an utmost interior of Punjab. We stopped by for refreshments at a simple roadside mud-bamboo architecture. We had just relished few sips of mint-sugarcane juice when a lengthy Mercedes stopped as if on a smooth silk slide. This seemingly serene event didn’t go down well with a few street dogs. They came charging in on the car and started announcing their angst in vocals. The guys inside of the Mercedes had to disappear without the sweet rejuvenation. Meanwhile the shop-wallah commented that these dogs usually don’t get to see Mercedes and hence would have been scared so as to stage the act. Around a week back another similar thing happened. Just that this time the venue was Andheri, Mumbai and the stimuli was a bullock-cart. Treatment was almost the same from the canine species. But then they didn’t bark at the passing Mercedes a few meters away and lo!… a following Hummer met with the exact bullock-car...

Semantic Serendipity

The following is a depiction of the enormous similarity that cuts across Subjects [ scriptures, science, management, philosophy] and the Geographical Boundaries and the Different Age/Era. This is a small part of a larger framework that I am trying to build for Management Application. Column 1: Source; Column 2: Representative of Worldly aspects; Column 3: Representative of Wisdom Aspect; Column 4: Representative of Evolution/Transcendental Aspect.   **though the framework has bucketed the various items in the cells, each of the item is not strictly interchangeable within the same column or limited or non-overlapping with respect to other cells. Source Monetary/Worldly Wisdom Evolution Indian Shaastras Karma Gyan Bhakti Maslow Hierarchy Basic Needs Societal Acceptance, Rejection Self-Actualization Plato Appetite R...