SKUewed Life, MIndless Strife

Life is moving so fast that I don’t realize when the day switches on the lights of the night … when the week is inaugurated to give the final departing vote of thanks of its weekend…when festivals appear in foresight of the brisk passing of the hindsight…when the calendar turns old to the just begun new year”…I quipped to myself while conversing with a dear friend last Friday morning.

At 140km/hour speed or perhaps more, the social being inside of the car can only focus and experience a few degree of sight/sense at any given moment during the journey. He also sort of cannot afford to attend the scenes passing by. My friend added that the life for most people have become more of this car…the world is the road, worldly life is the car and we all it’s passengers.  The speed of the world life has a strong tail-wind from technology. Number of decisions people make today, number of SKUs as in the product categories that most people use in their life today, number of interactions people have today, number of acquaintances people have today…all have grown manifold like never before in the history of this mankind.

Speed, decisions, SKUs (material requirements across hierarchy of needs and the social-status-heirarchy of each of these materials), relationship/network, definition of success, etc is ensuring luxury, ever-eluding, and unachievable status to “now-here” or “in the moment” or “flow experience”. These now-ness is what is described in many wisdom traditions as the first step towards meditative experience. The more a person can experience this, the better the chance of experiencing life.

The current Lifestyle has been studied thoroughly by Boston Consulting Group and World Economic Forum to model a Workplace Wellness Alliance Index. This depicts a rise in incidences and high probability of occurrence of lifestyle disease like Dyslipidemia, Obesity, Back pain, Stress & Diabetes. Additionally leading Neurologist warn against the extensive use of gadgets as it may lead to loss of crucial experience-feel-touch based learning in kids and in adults it may lead to Hyperattention Disorder.

In an interesting discussion with Dr Welling, pro-Vice Chancellor of India’s Top 10 MBA Institute-NMIMS last week, he mentioned about the coming rise in non-Corporate Career Pursuits of Corporate denizens owing to several aforementioned reasons. At another instance, Shri T R Doongaji [Long time Tata Veteran and Currently Dean-Business Excellence @ MET University], his mantra was to learn “The Art of Pausing” in the Current World.

Fast is OK if Life stays OK,
Work’s no good when Life is @ Bay;
Pushing is good as not to topple;
Life’s Simple unless you puzzle.

Here-Now is Life,
Else all is Mindless knife,
Chopping & Cutting all coming its way,
Say Sages “Chose YOUR Life, not Society’s Sway”


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