unChartered Accountant

Stock Market Exchange is supposedly a faithful entity where willing buyers and willing sellers transact instruments.

In the metaphorical stock market called “Human Interactions/Meetings”, a person trades “concepts” (high risk instrument). Why are “concepts” such high risk instrument? Well much on the lines of the value-determination of any high risk financial instrument that is contingent upon several complex variables and its value judgements, “Concepts” too derive its value (or perceived value) based on several variables (person’s historical-cultural context).

As humans, we are all constantly trading concepts…all the time when we meet and share our stories, facts, interpretation of facts, predictions, value-judgements, etc. In placing my concepts in front of the other person, the general anticipation/expectation is that the other person would acknowledge-accept my position. And this anticipation is shared vice-versa by the other person too when he is sharing his concepts with me. This means that, in general, the owner or narrator of the concept is a compulsory seller of the instrument (concept) and he wants the listener to be a compulsory buyer. Problem happens when most times both want to be the seller of the concept and none a buyer.

In Ken Gurger’s (Proponent of Social Constructionism) view, because everybody’s concept is contingent or dependent on his/her relative and unique historical and cultural background, there is bound to be subtle or explicit difference in the perceived value of the concept both by the buyer & seller. In such a scenario, while the emphasis is on proving one’s concept as the “right one”, the approach should be one that of harmonious appreciative inquiry… "Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a method for studying and changing social systems (groups, organizations, communities, individuals) for collective design of a desired future state that is compelling."  While Appreciative Inquiry is built on some important principles, I personally like the “The Poetic Principle”life is expressed in the stories people tell each other every day, and that the story of the self and his/her several communities (family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, etc) is constantly being co-authored. The words and topics chosen for inquiry have an impact far beyond just the words themselves. They invoke sentiments, understandings, and worlds of meaning. In all phases of the inquiry, effort is put into using words that point to, enliven and inspire the best in people.

As Michael Sandel puts it succinctly that as a passenger walking this day-age-era, we should do well if we hone our “Art of Listening, Reasoning & Respectful Dissent”. An advice that echoes close to Sage  Yajnavalkya who lamented the use of “concepts” (words/language) as sword for survival (recognition, validation, rewards).

We all know that when there are only sellers of instruments and no buyers, the stock market collapses. Taking this to metaphorical realm of human interactions now, if there is constant lack of authentic consensus in our concepts-exchange [between individuals, colleagues, friends, families, society, nations), it will breed negative rasas/emotions raudra (rage), bibhatsam (disgust) & bhayanakam (fearfulness).  This sure will bring down the human exchange ranging from heated debates, expletives, illness, extremism, riots, wars, etc.

Perhaps its time we revise our accounting formulas when we are trading our concepts.  Perhaps we all unChartered Accountants need to revise our course on the discourse bourse.

Happy Chanting, Happy Chartering.


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