Next Y2K Boom: "I"Phone to"We"Phone

Somewhere during the turn of the last millennium, a huge demand surged up...for people who can fix the "clock misdimension" of the already spawning computer networks. This saw enormous jobs getting created,
trade barriers collapsing, cultural exchange, and many more wonderful things.... In a way the world co-operating as a one whole. It was a mammoth task and one which was handsomely achieved with phenomenal effort.

As we stand today, we see another Y2K boom. Only here that we are  looking at 100 trillion nano-computers multiplied by almost 6 billion mainframes. Each mainframe is a single biological seeming-autonomycalled human being and the 100 trillion nano-computers within this mainframe are his 100 trillion biological cells. Science confirms to us that indeed our cells are like programmable nano-computers and
further stressing that the "genes (hereditary instrument or vehicle or program from parent to offspring)" are an epigenetic phenomenon which means with the right and persevering can turn on and off
the gene expression and thereby be more healthy and happy.

Let me give a background. For over many ages and sages, the talk of our tribe has been that the way to "health and happiness" is by"reining in the mind tendencies" but the other insight we also have is
that  it becomes super difficult even for a good practitioner. Every time he clocks his thoughts-feelings towards the axis of virtues...the vice lusts it away. The open source cloud computing platform called
"culture" or "society" which all of us are "online on" or "logged onto"  in every moment all our life, has been running into trouble for a long time now. This open source platform has defined certain models of success, survival, happiness, etc and we all have been running our trillion nano-computer type biological cells with this very programming. Years of reinforcement of this since childhood has  ensured that everytime the positive intent tries to make a change in the mainframe called human, it falls short or negligible because even
at the single cell level or the multi-cell level, the change  management is rebelled by the existing programming of the cell. Story for another day as to how each cell also have developed the program (during the human evolution ) for energy efficiency and how the change of certain Behavior or programming is higher expenditure of energy than staying with existing habit.

Hence a shift in awareness towards the wellspring "inside" of us and  tapping into it for more friendliness, joy, compassion and equanimity will need greater and persevering discipline of years together. As one of Yoga Sutra says "Abhyasa Vairagya Tannirodaha"... Emphasising on discipline or Abhyasa.

Like in today's time, the newer and newer gadget study reveals that we don't use all the application within them , it is also true of this mainframe gadget called human being .

From Happy "I"Phone to Happy "We"Phone.


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