International Poverty League (IPL): Humanimal

   ”Heat” Check-Out please. “Cloud” is Invited” buzzed Bangalore conversations in the afternoon of 22nd. Laya Raja, a mid-forties auto-rickshaw guy, despite the torching-torturing heat seemed to carry a patented Smile on his Face…even when things awry everywhere else and most other selves as if losing the patent for Smiles. I quite liked the way he was driving his auto and hence curiously asked as to how come he was managing to ride with such calm and gentle speed where everybody else was trying to only overtake-honk-outsmart-outsignal-outglare-outabuse-outperform-outdo each other…as if every other vehicle on the road was a compulsory competition for survival.

He said very beautifully, “Sir, it is true I am driving on the same roads as others are. It is also true that the rules are the same as for others are. This is the system as so for others are. But I chose to drive in a manner that is peaceful for me and doesn’t hurt anybody. If somebody is poor in his vision for life and in  a hurry to prove every moment in this world (read on roads) then it’s his path-pace that he is choosing in the path that we are all in”.

The culture on roads also best summarizes how people are behaving off-road. “Everybody is a competition”…Prey-predator equations…want to be first and fast at every destination (power, fame, money, designation…). And in so doing, compromising on fair driving rules [by breaking signals, jumping lanes, stunt-display… (Value-Erosion)]

Politics, Businesses, Professions, Sports... almost all walks of personal, occupational & citizenry life is increasingly getting rich & widespread in Animal Instincts and hasn’t been able to mass-produce the ageless-timeless researched-developed Civilization Instincts. There is utter poverty of virtues which is alarming us of the extinction of a species called “the civilization species”. Most people are driving their vehicle of body-mind-intellect on the road called life inspired by Vasanas/Kleshas. These Vehicles of Individual Body-Mind-Intellect are constantly in self-conceived competitions, traffic jams and accidents with other Body-Mind-Intellect on-the-road and off-the-road.

Each day debuts a Scam, The Camera Directions Change
Verbs the same for millennia, Just Proper Nouns Change,
Morality a Vintage where Animal is the Range,
“System” is the Excuse on Self-Discretion Exchange.

Currencies we developed, for trading Goods & Status,
Us all skillful accountant in this Life Mall,
But Currencies of Virtues, unknown…unfathomable its account,
Some call it “Important”, “Useless” for Many is the Call

Two Million Years gone by, Billions crossed by,
Human’s a good tag but Animals we swear by,
How more we need to learn, be jolted & be tried.
Before lose the entire “we” in the quest for the “I”.

Civilization Species (Case for Extinction)
Animalization (Case for Implosion)

·         Humanity
·         Humanimal (Animal in the form of Humans)

Indian Shastras Five Parikrama [having resonance in Buddhism, Jainism, Confucianism)
·         Maitri (Friendliness),
·         Karuna (Compassion),
·         Mudita (Joy)
·         Upeksha (Equanimity to Opposite outcomes of Karma)
Indian Shastras Five Kleshas:
·         Avidya (Lack of Eternal Wisdom)
·         Asmita (Ego)
·         Raag (Desires Rule)
·         Dvesh (Jealousy, Constant Comparison)
·         Abhinivesh (Insecurity, Fear…of Survival)
View of the World
·         World has both Good People and Bad ones. Would try to satsang (spend time, learn, transact) with Good Ones. Avoid doing deeds inspired by Animalization
·         Cut-Throat Competition rules.
·         You have to be Selfish
·         Nobody cares about Civilization Virtues…
·         New Definition of Civilization is Animalization
Will you be good with the World?
·         Developing a Discipline / Way of Life towards this
·         “I will be good if people are good with me”…everybody is saying so but since everybody is bad with me…I will be worse. Nothing else is an alternative.
Definition of Freedom
·         Freedom is Bound in a Context (of Environment & People)
·         Moksha-inspired-Freedom i.e., Liberation rather than “Bhoga”-Inspired-Freedom
·         My Freedom is important even if everyone else’s Freedom is compromised
Constant Emotional Transaction with the World
·         “I am Because we Are” [Ubuntu Philosophy] or “People are people because of People”-Nelson Mandela
·         Tatvam Asi [You are me]
·         I am at the Centre of the Universe
·         I am hence you are
Model of the World
·         World is a “System within Giant System” [Fritjoff Kapra, Arther Koestler]
·         Maths/Sheer Logic can’t define whole world
·         Mathematical Model [Pythagoras, Ancient Greek Philosophy, Newtonian Science]
·         Everything in cause-efect dimension
Quest for Discovering Self and Understanding Life
·         Rich
·         Poor


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