What do you mean today?
Lets start with an interesting finding:

Ms. Genny Belden Charles [Director - Taos Institute] cites a recent study showing 70% of Americans are looking for new jobs. The reason being that they aren't finding meaning in the current roles and that the existing way of corporate life is mechanistic and dehumanized.

Ms. Genny Belden Charles [Director - Taos Institute] cites a recent study showing 70% of Americans are looking for new jobs. The reason being that they aren't finding meaning in the current roles and that the existing way of corporate life is mechanistic and dehumanized.
Alain de Botton (Contemporary
philosopher) says that humans have evolved over years to do things
through physical activity. What we create with our hands gives huge
sense of meaning rather than passing meetings/calls/emails.
- To correct, recall these negative meeting/call, write down in your Handwriting one thing you genuinely learnt/appreciated from them and send it to them and experience the magic.
- And if you find time then sometimes you can create something out of your hobby for them.
- Learning gives Meaning to life. Acceptance gives meaning to life. Keeping a negative feeling about someone can destroy inner peace.
- Social Constructionist theory locates the source of meaning, value and action in the relational connection among people. It is through relational processes that we create the world in which we most want to live and work. How we relate to people we meet or spend time with is an important part of our mind-body-soul fitness and also productivity.
Mission India Super Power 2020- "10 Minutes of Daily Tiny Acts makes you Super Hero and India a Super Power"
Your Life is a Long Treadmill. "Every
Thought-Every Feeling-Every Action-Any Time-Any Place-Any Thing" is a
very flexible and 365/24/7 Treadmill. More on Genny Belden:
In addition to an active consulting practice, Ginny serves as director of the Taos Institute MSc in Relational Leading, offered in collaboration with the Professional Development Foundation and Middlesex University in London. She is serves on the board of directors of the Taos Institute. Ginny completed her PhD at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, another educational partnership program with the Taos Institute. She has served as adjunct faculty for St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Mn and for Pepperdine University's MSOD program, where she completed her master's in organization development as a Bush Fellow in 1991.
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