Bill Ford negotiating mindfully
Lets start with an interesting finding: James Saft, writing for Reuters, says some money managers find that meditation helps them resist “confirmation bias,” which is the tendency to only notice information that supports what you’re already thinking while remaining blind to data that contradicts your preconceptions
A. Negotiating Corporate Life: Mindfully & Compassionately
- Negotiation is an important-constant part of every Corporate Citizen. Whether negotiating deadlines, negotiating compensation/price/cost, negotiating goals, negotiating resources, Corporate Employee is constantly negotiating.
- Negotiation is a multi-constraint satisfaction process...meaning one has to weigh several options/constraints/risk-
reward and chose the best he/she thinks is right. (On lines of detail description provided below by Dr Patricia Churchland, Neuroscience-Philosophy- Psychology @ University of California, San Diego, USA)
- An Only Wandering Mind fails to use discretion (vivek in sanskrit) to observe the results presented by his/her sub-conscious mind and perhaps impulsively takes it forward. (Vedic Discourse by Swami Sarvadevananda and his account of Swami Vivekananda & Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa).
- Mindfulness practicing Mind has the following benefits during negotiation (it brings a sweet balance of wandering mind +mindfulness mind)
-----------Mindfulness helps "Stillness" required for observing one's impulsive tendencies during negotiation and arrests it. (Dr Nigel Linacre-Director & Co-Founder of Extra-Ordinary leadership)
------------On all the Negotiation Table/Discussions, "Win-Win" is a great intent. Mindfulness helps induce compassion induce respect/dignity of a higher kind and truly helps bring about interesting solutions and peace/calm/bliss after every negotiation irrespective of the outcomes...true "Us" discussions as opposed to "Me Vs You" chats. ("Compassion-Respect for every negotiator"...Vedic Discourse by Swami Sarvadevananda on Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa)
B. Mindfulness - Bill Ford, Executive Chairman, Ford Motor Company.
C. Daily Tiny Act for Mission India Super Power 2020
The Ford Motor Company chairman is a big proponent of
meditation in the business world. Ford while speaking with leading
American Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield told that during difficult
times at the company, he set an intention every
morning to go through his day with compassion. And to lead with
compassion, Ford said he first learned to develop compassion for himself
through a loving-kindness (metta) meditation practice.

C. Daily Tiny Act for Mission India Super Power 2020
"After every two hour, use your inner compass to turn away from your passion and express compassion"
See the suffering of others. Pay attention to the other people in your life, colleagues/vendors/strangers you pass. Notice the signs of their pain, empathize with this pain, understand them because you’ve experienced it too.
See the suffering of others. Pay attention to the other people in your life, colleagues/vendors/strangers you pass. Notice the signs of their pain, empathize with this pain, understand them because you’ve experienced it too.
Mission India Super Power 2020- "10 Minutes of Daily Tiny Acts makes you Super Hero and India a Super Power"
Your Life is a Long Treadmill. "Every
Thought-Every Feeling-Every Action-Any Time-Any Place-Any Thing" is a
very flexible and 365/24/7 Treadmill. D. More Details by Dr Patricia Churchland, Neuroscience-Philosophy-
"Decisions, intentions, efforts, goals, willpower, etc., are causal states of the brain, leading to specific behaviors, and behaviors lead to outcomes in the world. Human choice, therefore, is as important as fanciers of free will believe. But the next choice you make will come out of the darkness of prior causes that you, the conscious witness of your experience, did not bring into being."
"Roughly speaking, we do know that in constraint satisfaction operations, the brain integrates skills, knowledge, memories, perceptions, and emotions and somehow, in a manner we do not precisely understand, comes to a single result."
"The unconscious brain contributes much to the process of constraint modification. Wise evaluation and intelligent decisions would be impossible without it. By learning and thinking and developing good habits, we give our unconscious brain better tools to work with."
"Maturation is a process by which conscious and unconscious parts of the brain collaborate in a process of trial and error to create who we are and what our values are."
"An analogy that is limited, but still relevant, can be made between the subconscious brain and a massive computer. A scientist might program that computer to solve complex equations, and provide it with data and a set of constraints. When the computer delivers a result that the scientist finds credible, he accepts it and uses it in his work. One would not say that because he did not consciously track each computation being performed that the process was not within the control of the scientist. Similarly, when the subconscious delivers a decision, it is a decision based greatly on rules that the conscious and subconscious have jointly developed."
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