Get TRP right for success
Lets start with an interesting finding:

Happiness Researcher & Winner of several teaching awards at Harvard, Shawn Achor: 90% of the long term happiness is predicted by how the brain processes information. If the brain is in positive zone then it is 30% more productive than if it is in negative or neutral mode. For example: Doctors are 20% more accurate on their diagnosis if in positive zone. When in positive zone, dopamine is released. It has two function...not only it makes you feel good but also opens up the learning centers.
Positive zones are the thought channels of virtues: compassion, friendliness, joy, equanimity, coaching, solution orientation & "We".
Negative zones are thought channels of vices: arrogance of knowledge, ego trip, jealousy, insecurity, blame-crib, "me only"
Daily Tiny Act
At end of every hour, just observe the thoughts that your mind was playing for last hour or even the last two minutes. If thoughts were from Vices Channel or Virtues Channel. The TRP would define your happiness potential. Simply observing and registering over a 21 day period is the step one & the most important towards changing.
Watch TRP (Thought Rating Point) after every hour. This should take just 10 seconds every hour.
More on Shawn Achor:
Shawn Achor is the winner of over a dozen distinguished teaching awards at Harvard University, where he delivered lectures on positive psychology in the most popular class at Harvard. Shawn has become one of the world’s leading experts on the connection between happiness and success. His research on happiness made the cover of Harvard Business Review, his TED talk is one of the most popular all time with over 4 million views, and his lecture airing on PBS has been seen by millions. Shawn teaches for the Advanced Management Program at Wharton Business School, and collaborates on research with Yale and Columbia University.
Happiness Researcher & Winner of several teaching awards at Harvard, Shawn Achor: 90% of the long term happiness is predicted by how the brain processes information. If the brain is in positive zone then it is 30% more productive than if it is in negative or neutral mode. For example: Doctors are 20% more accurate on their diagnosis if in positive zone. When in positive zone, dopamine is released. It has two function...not only it makes you feel good but also opens up the learning centers.
Positive zones are the thought channels of virtues: compassion, friendliness, joy, equanimity, coaching, solution orientation & "We".
Negative zones are thought channels of vices: arrogance of knowledge, ego trip, jealousy, insecurity, blame-crib, "me only"
At end of every hour, just observe the thoughts that your mind was playing for last hour or even the last two minutes. If thoughts were from Vices Channel or Virtues Channel. The TRP would define your happiness potential. Simply observing and registering over a 21 day period is the step one & the most important towards changing.
TRP (Television Rating Point) is a classical term used to
judge the television viewership rating of a program. In some sense,
inside of all of us, the thought box is very much like the television
box, only that in thought box plays different quality of thoughts. The
kind of thoughts we allow to play inside obviously helps in its TRP and
thereby contribute to our happiness.
Mission India Super Power 2020- "10 Minutes of Daily Tiny Acts makes you Super Hero and India a Super Power"
Your Life is a Long Treadmill. "Every
Thought-Every Feeling-Every Action-Any Time-Any Place-Any Thing" is a
very flexible and 365/24/7 Treadmill. More on Shawn Achor:
Shawn Achor is the winner of over a dozen distinguished teaching awards at Harvard University, where he delivered lectures on positive psychology in the most popular class at Harvard. Shawn has become one of the world’s leading experts on the connection between happiness and success. His research on happiness made the cover of Harvard Business Review, his TED talk is one of the most popular all time with over 4 million views, and his lecture airing on PBS has been seen by millions. Shawn teaches for the Advanced Management Program at Wharton Business School, and collaborates on research with Yale and Columbia University.
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