Panda is contemplating

 Lets start with an interesting finding: The Harvard Business Review mentions a study that showed participants who had meditated for 15 minutes before being presented with a difficult business decision were 77% less likely to yield to the “sunk-cost bias,” which is the inclination to adhere to a strategy in which money has already been invested even though a better option presents itself.

Now towards yet another example of Mind-Body-Soul orientation in a Corporate Inc.

Andrew Cherng
(Largest Family Owned Chinese Restaurant Chain in America with USD 1.2 bn revenues) has been a sincere practitioner of contemplative techniques.

Cherng (by himself also...mind you not just delegating it to any other department) and his managers inquire about employees’ personal lives, hobbies, spiritual beliefs and relationships with family. “I want to fix my people from the inside,” explains Cherng.

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Cherng believes that its unreasonable to expect people to do a good job at work if their lives are a mess, & hence preaches self-improvement through meditation, education and fulfilling hobbies. Cherng meditates regularly, & is an avid hiker. His monthly Saturday-morning personal wellness seminars draw 100 or so employees to hear about nutrition, intimacy and self-awareness. He encourages managers in the company’s L.A. corporate office and in company-owned restaurants to forge personal bonds with their employees by devoting several hours a week to chats about spirituality, effective parenting and personal ambition.

Though many employees detect hints of Buddhism in Cherng’s sermons, he expounds a secular New Age philosophy drawn from self-improvement gurus such as Stephen Covey (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People), Deepak Chopra (The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success) and T. Harv Eker (Secrets of the Millionaire Mind). Favorite Eker adage: “The way you do anything is the way you do everything.” (this ties into Mission Super Power 2020 thread: Every Thought-Every Feeling-Every Action-Anything-Anytime-Anywhere is a Treadmill)

Cherng once paused a business meeting to encourage a frazzled store manager to meditate. Mark Liu says he already feels more confident. He planned to attend a ten-day Vipassana meditation retreat now. “At first I was reluctant. I thought: ‘Hey, this is my private life. The company shouldn’t be involved in it,’” Liu says. “Now I see myself as transformed.”

Now to some Daily Tiny Act:
"Slow at half the speed that you do for at least 10 minutes".


1. Deliberately slowing down your reading/speech will require you to attend to the capturing/delivery speed and hence also compel your thought to manufacture slightly slowly.
2. This is one of the beginnings of Attention/Meditative training.
3. Slowness repeated over a period of month can bring great results in reducing the number of thoughts in mind. By the way, contemplative practices reach a climax of doing "nothing" starts with taming thoughts.

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Mission India Super Power 2020- "10 Minutes of Daily Tiny Acts makes you Super Hero and India a Super Power"
Your Life is a Long Treadmill. "Every Thought-Every Feeling-Every Action-Any Time-Any Place-Any Thing" is a very flexible and 365/24/7 Treadmill.
More about Andrew Cherng
  • Since 2010, he has been a member of the Committee of 100, an international, non-profit, non-partisan membership organization that brings a Chinese American perspective to issues concerning Asian Americans and U.S.-China relations.
  • Member of the Fremont College's Program Advisory Committee.
  • 2008 Cherng, then age 61, was listed in Forbes' Twenty-Five Notable Chinese-Americans.
  • 2008 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters on Andrew Cherng
Excerpts on Andrew Cherng drawn from Forbes Magazine, Kelly Services.


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