
Showing posts from May, 2014

There is plenty of time

  Jennifer Aaker, Stanford University , studies "awe" and finds out that those who experience more awe have widening of perception of time ...and also have less of impatience. If you’re feeling pressed for time, you’re not alone. Surveys show most working Americans feel that way. But what if there were a way to expand those precious minutes and hours? New research from the Stanford Graduate School of Business suggests there may be one: elicit a sense of awe. Experiencing something awe-inspiring — whether it’s the Grand Canyon, a soaring cathedral, or a Puccini aria — can expand perceptions of time, enhancing quality of life. The key, says Jennifer Aaker, Stanford GSB’s General Atlantic Professor of Marketing and an author of a new paper on the subject, is that awe makes us feel small, not larger than life, the way happiness can. “When you feel small, there’s a reapportioning of what’s out there,” she says. “Time is reapportioned also.” Daily Tiny Act: "...

Get TRP right for success

Lets start with an interesting finding :    Happiness Researcher & Winner of several teaching awards at Harvard, Shawn Achor : 90% of the long term happiness is predicted by how the brain processes information. If the brain is in positive zone then it is 30% more productive than if it is in negative or neutral mode. For example: Doctors are 20% more accurate on their diagnosis if in positive zone. When in positive zone, dopamine is released. It has two function...not only it makes you feel good but also opens up the learning centers. Positive zones are the thought channels of virtues : compassion, friendliness, joy, equanimity, coaching, solution orientation & "We". Negative zones are thought channels of vices : arrogance of knowledge, ego trip, jealousy, insecurity, blame-crib, "me only" Daily Tiny Act Watch TRP (Thought Rating Point) after every hour. This should take just 10 seconds every hour. At end of every hour, just observe the ...

What do you mean today?

  Lets start with an interesting finding : Ms. Genny Belden Charles [Director - Taos Institute] cites a recent study showing 70% of Americans are looking for new jobs. The reason being that they aren't finding meaning in the current roles and that the existing way of corporate life is mechanistic and dehumanized. Alain de Botton (Contemporary philosopher) says that humans have evolved over years to do things through physical activity. What we create with our hands gives huge sense of meaning rather than passing meetings/calls/emails. Daily Tiny Act Note/recall the people you meet/call through the day. Give the experience +ve/-ve rating. If you had 25% or more "negative feeling" meeting/call (negative rasas: jealousy, insecurity, anger, clash, helplessness), then you have just bought a lottery to a hospital sometime in future. Also note that negative experience lingers more inside of humans unless reprogrammed. To correct, recall these negat...

Bill Ford negotiating mindfully

  Lets start with an interesting finding: James Saft, writing for Reuters, says some money managers find that meditation helps them resist “confirmation bias,” which is the tendency to only notice information that supports what you’re already thinking while remaining blind to data that contradicts your preconceptions   A. Negotiating Corporate Life: Mindfully & Compassionately Negotiation is an important-constant part of every Corporate Citizen. Whether negotiating deadlines, negotiating compensation/price/cost, negotiating goals, negotiating resources, Corporate Employee is constantly negotiating. Negotiation is a multi-constraint satisfaction process ...meaning one has to weigh several options/constraints/risk- reward and chose the best he/she thinks is right. (On lines of detail description provided below by Dr Patricia Churchland, Neuroscience-Philosophy- Psychology @ University of California, San Diego, USA) An Only Wandering Mind fails to use di...

Panda is contemplating

  Lets start with an interesting finding: The Harvard Business Review mentions a study that showed participants who had meditated for 15 minutes before being presented with a difficult business decision were 77% less likely to yield to the “sunk-cost bias,” which is the inclination to adhere to a strategy in which money has already been invested even though a better option presents itself. Now towards yet another example of Mind-Body-Soul orientation in a Corporate Inc. Andrew Cherng (Largest Family Owned Chinese Restaurant Chain in America with USD 1.2 bn revenues) has been a sincere practitioner of contemplative techniques. Cherng (by himself also...mind you not just delegating it to any other department) and his managers inquire about employees’ personal lives, hobbies, spiritual beliefs and relationships with family. “I want to fix my people from the inside,” explains Cherng. Cherng believes that its unreasonable to expect people to do a good job at work if their l...