“Whats your Experience?”…Answer is “now”
The Dope of the Known, The Fear of the Unknown…haven’t we heard this often.
In Corporate Inc, very often the “experiencer” counts on the “experience” of the “experienced”. And this “experience” stays in the memory bank and is referred or consulted whence any similar situation arise. Only that this time the context in which “to-similar-experience” has changed.
In Taoism, it is said that every perspective has a limitation. It goes on to propose that such limitation arise owing to one’s partiality or affinity of the past experience.
The same reflection can be seen in Bruce Lee’s words, “Man…the creating individual…the living individual is more important than the erstwhile …the system…the style”. He emphasised the true meaning of spontaneity where despite the endless and tiring workouts with zillion situations and moves, one still has to act spontaneously in the ring.
Similarly when Sachin Tendulkar would take every new guard, his past belt of experience and credentials are only a statistics. He has to be ever aware, ever fresh, ever novice, ever passionate, ever cautious, ever sensitive, ever in the moment.
In Vedas, the emphasis is on everyone to experience “adbhuta” in every moment. As the name “adbhuta” suggests…different from Bhutan…different from the past.
Shiva Sutra’s Jnanam Bandhanam (past knowledge or experience is binding and not liberating) sums up beautifully to not lean solely on the past but use it for reference and use viveka (discretion) and buddhi for the recipe of the present.
Call the experience,
Recall the experience,
When in the moment,
Experience the “now”.
Asked a young boy,
Of all thing “how?”
Past was momentum,
Future be momentous,
“Now” is the “moment”,
Now is the Holy Cow.
Is moment the time, or the matter or the space?,
Moment is Beyond them. Moment is reality you perceive. Moment is a “now” beyond “then”.
Asked somebody to a wise man, “what’s your experience?”,
He said “wow” in the “now”
Some of the things one can do to experience “adbhuta” or novelty or wow in every moment is by doing the same task (one has done in the past) in a different manner.
For example, brushing the teeth with different hand than normal, getting dressed without looking in the mirror and after adequate satisfaction then look into the mirror, eating with the non-natural hand. Walking a few steps backward. writing with non-natural hand,…these are some of the simpler things to do. Actually doing these have scientific explanations of longer brain life. Because these and similar things done on daily basis leads to creation of newer neuro-circuitry and is called neurobics. Advanced research is going on to prove long term super-positive benefits of these simple everyday change.
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