Appreciating Jnana

There are multiple references to Jnana in ancient scriptures…

JnanaBandhanam …as in shiv sutra which means One needs to have knowledge that knowledge can be binding. “That which binds cannot liberate”

Nahi Jnanena Sadrashem Pavitram Iha Vidyate…there can be nothing more purifying than knowledge. But here the reference is the knowledge of keeping the quest “on” for the supreme knowledge.

Jnana Bhakti Vairagyam Siddhiartham Ahamidam Pujyam Karishye…for attainment of knowledge for knowledge, faith-devotion, worldly-withdrawal, one has to continuous “ritual” and “tapas” (strive).

In Nyaya philosophy, it is said to have four valid source of knowledge perception (pratyaksha), inference (anumana), comparison (upamana). &testimony (sabda).

Modern Scientific inquiry has subject called epistemology which is
…what is knowledge?
…how do we acquire it?
.. To what extent is it possible for a given subject to be known?

As Deepak Chopra says that everybody’s world is entangled with the other. For example, the mail that I am typing today is using the knowledge of language (which was discovered developed by others), the iPAD or technology knowledge which was discovered developed by others, the home where I am sitting of which design-construction etc knowledge was discovered developed by others. The world is entangled at knowledge level where we borrow from the world and sometimes…perhaps…contribute some realisations.

At another fundamental level, Deepak Chopra says that a quadrillion sub-atomic particles pass through all beings (living or dead) and hence the particles that we breathe, feel, see, taste, hear are interconnected.

If the world is entangled and if collective energies are being pushed for acquiring knowledge to outsmart others, outplay others, outlive others, outdo others, oust others…this knowledge is going to make each other lose sight of quest for eternal truth, peace, purity, true happiness, bliss, true power of will. To my mind, the world war 3 started soon as world war 2 got over for this quest of “out-….,” others. We are all nothing but weapons of mass destruction unless we turn our knowledge..the gaze…the alertness…the awareness to making peace and bliss for all.

How do we do this?

…seek higher knowledge (paravidya… Supreme intelligence) reading or discussing or thinking about the world…the life…the being

…at least 5 times in a day, stop and switch off yourself and become aware of your “being” …feel the breeze caressing the body, hear the different sounds in the noise, see an object amongst your visual line of sight and simply define its properties…remember your loved ones and place a smile, touch anything around and feel the granularity and it’s importance, breath slow and long and focus your attention on this…

…to be continued


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