From "from" to "to"
Asatho ma Sathgamaya…lead me from untruth to the truth,
Tamasho ma jyotirgamaya…lead me from darkness to light
Mrityormaamritamgamaya…lead me from death to eternity
For everything that is manifest or “vyakt” …there is a co-relate of unmanifest or “avyakt”. The universal “avyakt” is said to be the omnipotent and omnipresent…the supreme being ….behind the obvious and apparent veil of worldly perceptions.
One needs to develop the ability to cultivate oneself to see the truth behind the presented “untruth” …to see the light behind the dark picture…to look at sustainable behind the destructible. Several philosophers have depicted this age as an age of ever-so-high “delusion”. Delusion or misplaced definitions of
“values giving way to valuation”,
“from circle of sentiments to sentiments to the circles”
“long term giving way to short term”
“from Yama, Niyama of Life to cut-throat strife”
“from purpose to power”
“from duty to designations”
As DevduttaPatnaik says that one can chose to be either Indra who is powerful and blessed and yet ever so restless and peace-less. On the other hand, Narayana who is happy and in steady state of wisdom (sthithapradnya…calm in both ecstasy and devastation).
One’S Daily Balance Sheet Reconciliation should have some simple questions to ask
SARASWATI…what did I learn to make this world a better place…quest for eternal truth, peace, purity, happiness, love, bliss, power of will, sustainable planet.
DURGA…did I become more empathetic to the universe or world…did I greet a stranger with a smile, did I offer my seat to elderly, did I make contribution to the needy, etc
LAKSHMI…just smile when thinking about her. She is happy if Saraswati and Durga are happy.
The way to move from untruth to truth, darkness to light is to constantly look at one’s Saraswati, Durga and Lakshmi and check if the path is indeed towards higher being.
Appreciating the Change of gaze from “from” to “to”.,. Towards light, truth, higher being.
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