Centred Approach
Names changed for confidentiality. True Story.
“JV” is a middle-aged successful professional. He pioneered a whole new industry in India with a company named ABC. And for 10 long years literally ruled the industry until the time one of World’s TOP 10 private equity bought out the company in which JV was the CEO. The promoter of the company sold ABC for a great deal but didnt fairly share the rewards with JV.
JV then quietly wore the hat of Buddha (let go) and walked out with proper handover. This time to start his own venture. A leading international company found promise in his potential and committed to invest. For approx two long years, JV marched with zeal and set the stage for creating another biggie. However the international company tricked tactics for cornering JV to a non-vocal, docile minority in the new venture. JV initially moved with great anguish…in thoughts…in words…in feelings…in action. The battle turf was drawn and there were hot and cold war being fought.
Being a long time friend, JV shared the goings-on. I was happy to be “nimith” (medium) for sharing some thinking and realisations to JV. From the words of war that led to war of words…it has moved to a domain of SthitaPradnya (state of steady wisdom) or titiksha (forbearance to the extreme opposite outcomes of anything).
JV now is more empathetic, centered and relaxed in his discussions with the international company.
The Great Gita says ” sarvatra anabhisnehaha tattatprapya shubhaashubham ”
Creating harmony with the conflict and amidst the conflict is a better stance versus the stance of creating conflict with the conflict and amidst the conflict. Here creating harmony is to train the thoughts to be centred and not let them go haywire, destructive, impulsive, abusive.
Even in almost all forms of defence of combat skills training, there is a huge emphasis on developing “concentration levels” that is relaxed and not agitated. It is even more interesting that the entire naration carrying great wisdom of “Gita” is staged in middle of a war…a conflict…a serious life-death situations and it is also true of the martial arts that are staged for battles or fights. The whole idea is that if a person can stage steady wisdom, relaxed thinking even in amidst turmoil, war, fight then why cant we practice it in every day life where the turf is not an immediate fight-flight turf and is more of “reasoned” thinking as depicted by Plato or Socratesa or as depicted by Eknath Eeswaran in his famous book “take your time”.
JV merely experienced wonder-ment and awareness of this simple thing and practiced it. The outcomes are turning hugely positive however JV is now supremely centred and relaxed for any outcome.
Happy Center-ing.
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