
Showing posts from September, 2012

Progression in Recession

Last few days, I spent some time chatting with employees of large Organisation while doing daily chores. I met front line executive of leading Privilege Banking firm, I spoke to senior staff of a reputed hotel in Mumbai, also chatted with a senior member of a Public Sector Unit. I made seven such contacts. I asked a question, “what do you make of current scenario building in India…the political stand-off, the capex slowdown, the stress on most balance sheets and seeming recessionary trends” I got some interesting answers ranging from …it’s doom time …we are completely lost …the company is taking rash decisions …we don’t know about our future …india will go back to draconian times …India shining is passé . Now let’s unveil the above…any such environment of economic slowdown or stand-offs have something in common…natural slowing of pace of business, slow decision making, slow movement of money, less communication, increased caution in newer things….underlying s...

Innovative Exercise & Exercising Innovation

Innovation has been called as the eternal life-saving sanjeevani (medicine) of many a corporations. Some have been able to successfully build it as a company wide culture whilst many have somehow scripted only boardroom innovations. If we go back into mankind’s evolution then innovation has been both an autonomous function at the cellular level where adaptations, survival instincts got developed and then again there were conscious innovations at the mind and conscience level. Modern management deploys several tools for fostering innovations such as brainstorming, brain tree, blue oceans (reduce, raise, create, eliminate), out of box thinking, some esoteric epistemology tools. However in Vedic Scriptures, there was a beautiful method imparted for exercising oneself in the practice of innovation such that it becomes natural response. There is a mention of “Adbhuta” or deliberately looking for wonderment in simple things. This would then be further classified as 1. ...

Centred Approach

Names changed for confidentiality. True Story. “JV” is a middle-aged successful professional. He pioneered a whole new industry in India with a company named ABC. And for 10 long years literally ruled the industry until the time one of World’s TOP 10 private equity bought out the company in which JV was the CEO. The promoter of the company sold ABC for a great deal but didnt fairly share the rewards with JV. JV then quietly wore the hat of Buddha (let go) and walked out with proper handover. This time to start his own venture. A leading international company found promise in his potential and committed to invest. For approx two long years, JV marched with zeal and set the stage for creating another biggie. However the international company tricked tactics for cornering JV to a non-vocal, docile minority in the new venture. JV initially moved with great anguish…in thoughts…in words…in feelings…in action. The battle turf was drawn and there were hot and cold war bein...

“Whats your Experience?”…Answer is “now”

The Dope of the Known, The Fear of the Unknown…haven’t we heard this often. In Corporate Inc, very often the “experiencer” counts on the “experience” of the “experienced”. And this “experience” stays in the memory bank and is referred or consulted whence any similar situation arise. Only that this time the context in which “to-similar-experience” has changed. In Taoism, it is said that every perspective has a limitation. It goes on to propose that such limitation arise owing to one’s partiality or affinity of the past experience. The same reflection can be seen in Bruce Lee’s words, “Man…the creating individual…the living individual is more important than the erstwhile …the system…the style” . He emphasised the true meaning of spontaneity where despite the endless and tiring workouts with zillion situations and moves, one still has to act spontaneously in the ring. Similarly when Sachin Tendulkar would take every new guard, his past belt of experience and creden...

From "from" to "to"

Asatho ma Sathgamaya …lead me from untruth to the truth, Tamasho ma jyotirgamaya …lead me from darkness to light Mrityormaamritamgamaya …lead me from death to eternity For everything that is manifest or “vyakt” …there is a co-relate of unmanifest or “avyakt”. The universal “avyakt” is said to be the omnipotent and omnipresent…the supreme being ….behind the obvious and apparent veil of worldly perceptions. One needs to develop the ability to cultivate oneself to see the truth behind the presented “untruth” …to see the light behind the dark picture…to look at sustainable behind the destructible. Several philosophers have depicted this age as an age of ever-so-high “delusion”. Delusion or misplaced definitions of “values giving way to valuation”, “from circle of sentiments to sentiments to the circles” “long term giving way to short term” “from Yama, Niyama of Life to cut-throat strife” “from purpose to power” “from duty to designations” As DevduttaPatnaik says...

Appreciating Jnana

There are multiple references to Jnana in ancient scriptures… JnanaBandhanam …as in shiv sutra which means One needs to have knowledge that knowledge can be binding. “That which binds cannot liberate” Nahi Jnanena Sadrashem Pavitram Iha Vidyate…there can be nothing more purifying than knowledge. But here the reference is the knowledge of keeping the quest “on” for the supreme knowledge. Jnana Bhakti Vairagyam Siddhiartham Ahamidam Pujyam Karishye…for attainment of knowledge for knowledge, faith-devotion, worldly-withdrawal, one has to continuous “ritual” and “tapas” (strive). In Nyaya philosophy, it is said to have four valid source of knowledge perception (pratyaksha), inference (anumana), comparison (upamana). &testimony (sabda). Modern Scientific inquiry has subject called epistemology which is …what is knowledge? …how do we acquire it? .. To what extent is it possible for a given subject to be known? As Deepak Chopra says that everybody’s world is...