Black or White

Bandra Western Express Highway, Mumbai.
Two trees in the background of the picture. One laden with blushing leaves, swinging branches, smiling bark. The other tree impoverished and famished. My vehicle pulled over to the side and  I walked a few curious steps towards the nearest residence and submitted by inquiry, “what’s the story with the two trees?”. The neighbor smiled and said that till a few months back, both of them completed a beautiful partnership like Sachin-Kambli school-cricketing historic partnership of 664 runs. Then somehow one of them lost its way and to the sway.

Somehow this seemingly adjacent but contrasting outcomes to almost same inputs (as like above) remains the ever so mysterious enigma. It was this stroke of insight that even drove Deepak Chopra towards spirited Spiritual quest. He was unable to comprehend how two patients with almost same history, health,potential , treatment from same Dr…would give conflicting outcomes.

One ancient account mentions the recipe for success as Aadisthana (Physical or structural frame), Karta (Will), Karana (Resources), Yagnya (teamwork) and Daiva (synchronicity or luck).It is Daiva which remains superbly wanted and little comprehended. In fact, ancient scripture calls it the mysterious but real chain of Karmas while science calls it the Universal Entanglement or Recursive Loop at Planck or even further scale.

A great man once lost all his wealth and was seen the immediate next day in a very calm and composed state. A passerby asked, “how can you be so calm?”. He answered, “Real wealth is wealth of detachment, wealth of Jnana or knowledge, wealth of bliss-purity, etc”. I have not lost this and I feel less burdensome.

All of us are fighting several mini and major battles or turfs every moment (another Universal Denominator is Man is All Time Battling Machine…battling between complex intersections of right-wrong, desires, duty, context, survival, time, etx ). Some we win and some we lose. We can apply all reasonings to have a “deterministic view” but the fact is that many a times the reasons are hidden and not manifested to us.

The Murals of the Story is that when these somewhat asymmetrical equations (“input and /or deserving” versus the “output or results”) visit us everyday, we tend to get swayed by the “way-of-the-world” or “for survival in this world, we have to bend rules and dharma”… Every Bend in the right or dharma leads us to believe that it indeed is the new right or the new dharma. And then everybody sort of sees this as the new normal.

The Recent Financial Crisis is a classic example of creating a new normal and someday the new normal built on hollow promises and structures was sure to collapse. Similarly several companies build on small compromises and then sort of start with incrementing them to a point of disruptive compromises. Individuals start with faking accomplishments, claiming wins etc.

Leadership of the various form of Communities (whether commercial or social) have to spend great deal of time inquiring and observing and resolving issues around aspirations, moderations, path, virtues, purpose.
The word in Hindi for Leadership Responsibility is “Netrutva” and “Uttardaitva”

Netrutva has broadly two connotation:

Netrutva has a distant but sure connotation to Darshanshaastra…which means “seeing” meaning the “art of seeing” or in English referred to as Philosophy. Leader has to ingrain and in-build the philosophy of “doing” or “karma”…primarily the purpose, virtues.

Netrutva also means the ability to see across dimensions… not just in dimension of future time but also extending to the ability to see from the eyes of all stakeholders&ecosystem and balancing their expectations.

Uttardaitva means accountable to answer for the actions taken…responsibility.

It is Leadership Responsibility to inquire, observe, share the world of yin and yang …opposite outcomes to actions or inputs. Also build a strong character of titiksha (forbearance to opposite outcomes) for long term future of the enterprise.

No matter black or white,
No matter wrong or right,
What matters is the matterless,
The Virtues of Happiness, Compassion, Purity, Power of Will-Fight.


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