
Showing posts from 2015

of passion and compassion

they said to me that if my passion is burning and yearning always i will get what i want like fire i moved heading and tailing with zest and along i kept meeting many more fires because they said the same thing to them as well wild fires we were and with gust soon realized that we were burning each other too also the ones who had little fire some who wanted, some who did not and also sometimes just to keep our fires alive like it happened in history some of our ancestors tamed the fire made it more useful its time for another historical to tame the hysterical make it useful when passion meets compassion when people of business or society have wisdom to discuss and act upon fire has a meaning it burns sane harnesses the forest and let every spark become a useful fire for if we not we will burn ourselves out wilder or later

intolerance; he-said-she-said volleys

what is to be tolerated it turns out that aspects of what i call like-good-right gives me a sense of ease but it also turns out that i experience dislike-bad-wrong as well that gives me a sense of dis-ease my ease could be someone's dis-ease my dis-ease could be someone's ease why is it so? how could i have gotten here with these disparities maybe genetic maybe memetic maybe origins maybe telos and maybe all of it now that i have it let me take it as a gift or as a wonderful challenge because maybe these complementary forces or opposites are the physics of a human society or fundamental elements of a human society's periodic table to make society a huge chemical lab making unstable compounds as a stable experiment or each human being, a biological cell that makes the body of a huge organism called "society" and it has both good cells and bad cells some symbiotically existing so...

Family of Meaning

Meaning! What does she mean? What do I mean? This means that. and that another. So many meanings. Meaning seems a free market trade. Meaning is a huge joint family Time is the original mother... abstract elastic Space is the original father... concrete fiction Matter & Action, the eldest children, the twins, some with secret sibling language, some submissive, some so apparently only. Feeling, the child born after eight threshold of cosmic complexity, a difficult delivery i must say, prematurely born... grows slow Thought, the youngest child bond of a vagabond, confident only in its ignorant confines You see this family has grown They don't look alike Maybe strangers therefore. Hence, sometime we mean something And say something And people perceive it totally other. There are many such family gatherings and many a disputes Next time, It would be great service to hold In humble regard Your meaning and the o...

"The Art of Life" : Meditations on Virginia Woolf & Sigmund Freud

The following is derived upon meditations of Sigmund Freud's essay titled "Civilization & it Discontents" (1929) and Virginia Woolf's successful novel called "To The Lighthouse" (1927). I wish to establish that both thinkers observe art as being used as a healing/palliative measure, however Freud regards it as a mere substitution or fantasy, and hence sort of an escape, whereas Woolf regards art as primary, something beyond the art itself, and hence subscribed-prescribed it for life.   The turn of the nineteenth century towards the twentieth was seen as a melting pot of culture, and a turn from social towards individual self.   Freud believes that the human life is built on the pursuit of pleasure principle. That humans have desires, and seeking and fulfilling it gives pleasure.  To Freud, there seems to be three sources of suffering: the body, the nature and the relations. Body has needs for survival and reproduction, henc...