of passion and compassion

they said to me that if my passion
is burning and yearning always
i will get what i want
like fire
i moved
heading and tailing with zest

and along
i kept meeting
many more fires
because they said the same thing
to them as well
wild fires
we were
and with gust

soon realized
that we were burning each other too
also the ones who had little fire
some who wanted, some who did not
and also sometimes just to keep our fires alive
like it happened in history
some of our ancestors
tamed the fire
made it more useful
its time
for another historical
to tame the hysterical
make it useful
when passion meets compassion
when people of business or society
have wisdom to discuss and act upon
fire has a meaning
it burns sane
harnesses the forest
and let every spark become a useful fire

for if we not
we will burn ourselves out
wilder or later


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