intolerance; he-said-she-said volleys
what is to be tolerated
it turns out that
aspects of what i call
gives me a sense of ease
but it also turns out
that i experience
dislike-bad-wrong as well
that gives me a sense of dis-ease
my ease could be someone's dis-ease
my dis-ease could be someone's ease
why is it so?
how could i have gotten here
with these disparities
maybe genetic
maybe memetic
maybe origins
maybe telos
and maybe all of it
now that i have it
let me take it as a gift
or as a wonderful challenge
because maybe
these complementary forces or opposites
are the physics of a human society
or fundamental elements of a human
society's periodic table
to make society a huge chemical lab
to make society a huge chemical lab
making unstable compounds as a stable
or each human being, a biological cell
that makes the body of a huge organism
called "society"
and it has both good cells and bad
some symbiotically existing
some parasitically
or as each human as an astronomical
wanting to be a star
because by becoming one
it can have other planets revolving
around it
and making the human at the center of
if i remind and re-heart myself
of the place i have in this life
and if i can hold
like-good-right-dislike-bad-wrong with
open to difference
open to change
ever so, stopping and holding them in
ever so, voicing them with respect for
and if i can count on my acceptances
of things and people
there is a window for
participating in peace and happiness
and things that i believe that need
can i help to change?
and resort in we-change
more than you-change
more than you-change
for everyone is lost
some not knowing
some knowing and forgetting
some believing in knowing it all
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