
Showing posts from October, 2013

It's an Up(c)hill(y) Task

The trailer of the food recipes through visual and smell appeal made it look very promising. I am talking about a lunch meeting a couple of days ago. As we started having the food movie, some portions really were engaging-palatable and then came in one of our villains...."really hot green chilly". My friend somehow didn't see it coming. And he got so startled by the green chilly as if he has seen a frozen screen frame. What happened after that is a matter everybody is aware of and can relate to...when one's food has chilly way out of his range...the next few minutes or tens of them is a red face, watery eyes, stumbling speech, no taste of anything else. The rush of blood, energy, attention of the whole body to combat the chilly terrorist overtakes the conscious awareness. In such a scenario, any stimuli (advice, kind words, sweet helpings) have little and slow effect. The damage is done and the repair is painful. Cut this to the daily metaphorical chilly intakes o...

unChartered Accountant

Stock Market Exchange is supposedly a faithful entity where willing buyers and willing sellers transact instruments. In the metaphorical stock market called “Human Interactions/Meetings”, a person trades “concepts” (high risk instrument). Why are “concepts” such high risk instrument? Well much on the lines of the value-determination of any high risk financial instrument that is contingent upon several complex variables and its value judgements, “Concepts” too derive its value (or perceived value) based on several variables (person’s historical-cultural context). As humans, we are all constantly trading concepts…all the time when we meet and share our stories, facts, interpretation of facts, predictions, value-judgements, etc. In placing my concepts in front of the other person, the general anticipation/expectation is that the other person would acknowledge-accept my position. And this anticipation is shared vice-versa by the other person too when he is sharing his concepts wi...

Next Y2K Boom: "I"Phone to"We"Phone

Somewhere during the turn of the last millennium, a huge demand surged up...for people who can fix the "clock misdimension" of the already spawning computer networks. This saw enormous jobs getting created, trade barriers collapsing, cultural exchange, and many more wonderful things.... In a way the world co-operating as a one whole. It was a mammoth task and one which was handsomely achieved with phenomenal effort. As we stand today, we see another Y2K boom. Only here that we are  looking at 100 trillion nano-computers multiplied by almost 6 billion mainframes. Each mainframe is a single biological seeming-autonomycalled human being and the 100 trillion nano-computers within this mainframe are his 100 trillion biological cells. Science confirms to us that indeed our cells are like programmable nano-computers and further stressing that the "genes (hereditary instrument or vehicle or program from parent to offspring)" are an epigenetic phenomenon which means wi...