EGO fighting for Patent. Brain…an open source platform.

Open Source as the name suggests is something that can be openly (freely) accessed or sourced. It also implies that “some things” are available to absolutely everybody to be accessed. These “some things” or “societal open source” include concepts such as language, culture, nature,  etc. When extended, as explained by Matt Ridley in one of his talks “when ideas have sex”, he offers a beautiful explanation about the ubiquitous, compulsory, “not do-withoutable”  interdependence of people …hence also their capabilities…hence also their labor…hence also their inventions and discoveries.

Come to think of it…I am writing this mail but I have not invented the iPad, I have not invented language, I have not invented my surroundings and yet I am availing of all of the past human endeavors to make this email happen.

At individual level, each of us are also continuously dipping into the open source format of the physiology which has evolved over a period of time…reference here to natural human evolution over two million years that has lent its cells/genes the super-computing-adaptive capability. Spare a moment to think the humungous and painful process of evolving …hunting-gathering, prey-predator, tool making, language, gene adaptations, species-wars, nature-understanding, etc.

The Human Gadget that we are, is the most sophisticated gadget on this planet…much more than the material possessions we are longing for. And this gadget is given to us to make a difference in this world…only that most of us spend time in identifying with differences with the world. In fact, we develop an in-house EGO which constantly files for a zillion patents almost every moment…”I did this”, “I deserve this”, …extending the realm of “me”, “mine” and “my world”.

Leaders have a MISSION on hand. They are not leading anything but these powerful gadgets…the open source human brain platform. Leaders are staring at two of the biggest creditor in the History of Mankind ever:

1.  The Open Source Societal & Human Evolution Platform

2. The Nature

The first creditor is crying to develop institutions (for occupation, for government, etc) to bridge the divide between “haves” and “have -nots”, instill compassion-friendliness-joy-equanimity. And the second creditor, The Nature, has already started serving notices for repossession of the planet in the form of tsunamis, climate change, etc.

So what is YOUR EMI? Spare Some moments and Think.

Happy Open Sourcing or Happy Openly “Sour”-cing


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