
Showing posts from February, 2013

Semantic Serendipity

The following is a depiction of the enormous similarity that cuts across Subjects [ scriptures, science, management, philosophy] and the Geographical Boundaries and the Different Age/Era. This is a small part of a larger framework that I am trying to build for Management Application. Column 1: Source; Column 2: Representative of Worldly aspects; Column 3: Representative of Wisdom Aspect; Column 4: Representative of Evolution/Transcendental Aspect.   **though the framework has bucketed the various items in the cells, each of the item is not strictly interchangeable within the same column or limited or non-overlapping with respect to other cells. Source Monetary/Worldly Wisdom Evolution Indian Shaastras Karma Gyan Bhakti Maslow Hierarchy Basic Needs Societal Acceptance, Rejection Self-Actualization Plato Appetite R...

Lift the silence, Road to Noise

In fast escaping evening hours of Wednesday, I came out of a beautiful meeting and was waiting for the lift to transport me down from the 14th Floor. The bell rang and the doors slided sidewards…I stepped in and gifted myself and the existing young passengers  a gentle smile. Their response was strange eyes and zipped lips…only to give way after some moments to a teasing laughter amongst themselves. I moved on.. walked past the campus and soon found myself amidst Noise Wars…autorickshaw grrrring here and bikes squeaking there, SUVs & Sedans bullying here while buses elbowing there. In my recent interactions with many friends and business colleagues, traffic has been a staple conversation. Somehow our Culture has a new mirror in form of the roads. Everybody’s in a hurry, very few have got the courtesy-patience, signals are milestones to be broken, honks are ringtones to be flaunted, out-smarting the other vehicle is somehow linked to performance appraisals, ...

EGO fighting for Patent. Brain…an open source platform.

Open Source as the name suggests is something that can be openly (freely) accessed or sourced. It also implies that “some things” are available to absolutely everybody to be accessed. These “some things” or “societal open source” include concepts such as language, culture, nature,  etc. When extended, as explained by Matt Ridley in one of his talks “when ideas have sex”, he offers a beautiful explanation about the ubiquitous, compulsory, “not do-withoutable”  interdependence of people …hence also their capabilities…hence also their labor…hence also their inventions and discoveries. Come to think of it…I am writing this mail but I have not invented the iPad, I have not invented language, I have not invented my surroundings and yet I am availing of all of the past human endeavors to make this email happen. At individual level, each of us are also continuously dipping into the open source format of the physiology which has evolved over a period of time…refere...