Semantic Serendipity
The following is a depiction of the enormous similarity that cuts across Subjects [ scriptures, science, management, philosophy] and the Geographical Boundaries and the Different Age/Era. This is a small part of a larger framework that I am trying to build for Management Application. Column 1: Source; Column 2: Representative of Worldly aspects; Column 3: Representative of Wisdom Aspect; Column 4: Representative of Evolution/Transcendental Aspect. **though the framework has bucketed the various items in the cells, each of the item is not strictly interchangeable within the same column or limited or non-overlapping with respect to other cells. Source Monetary/Worldly Wisdom Evolution Indian Shaastras Karma Gyan Bhakti Maslow Hierarchy Basic Needs Societal Acceptance, Rejection Self-Actualization Plato Appetite R...