intolerance; he-said-she-said volleys
what is to be tolerated it turns out that aspects of what i call like-good-right gives me a sense of ease but it also turns out that i experience dislike-bad-wrong as well that gives me a sense of dis-ease my ease could be someone's dis-ease my dis-ease could be someone's ease why is it so? how could i have gotten here with these disparities maybe genetic maybe memetic maybe origins maybe telos and maybe all of it now that i have it let me take it as a gift or as a wonderful challenge because maybe these complementary forces or opposites are the physics of a human society or fundamental elements of a human society's periodic table to make society a huge chemical lab making unstable compounds as a stable experiment or each human being, a biological cell that makes the body of a huge organism called "society" and it has both good cells and bad cells some symbiotically existing so...