Economical Vs Egonomical Crisis
Fritjoff Kapra in one of his books mentions the meaning of economy as: that which considers a geography, a house as a whole, and to hold it together, the craft of distributing opportunities and materials. Are we there yet? No. And why? Because the economy has underpinnings of egonomy. While chasing the apparent economical growth, in reality we are all chasing egonomical growth. The egonomical growth wants expansion of recognitions, possessions, voice, freedom. And one seems to also believe that the more one grows in these, the more survival chances one has. However, egonomical growth compels beast practices (while propagating best practices). One knows no self-bound of how much is enough. As it is built on the reference point of how much somebody else has. And these do not allow or rather do not afford growth for all. It automatically creates the haves and have-not gap. So, what is the solution? Well! At the level of the nation, the political class leaves a lot ...