
Showing posts from April, 2013

Thought-Feeling Manufacturing Secto


Navarasa Stock Exchange


Chakravyuh, Labyrinth, World War 1, Financial Meltdown

11th April was another day having access to great learnings. Being a Holiday in many offices in Mumbai on the eve of GudiPadwa [New Year], I started late at 10 am and jumped into a Meru Cab parked in the neighborhood. When smiles greet each other, the day has a different meaning. Ashok Shukla is this mid-forties humble cabbie who readily sports his thoughts with passengers. He opened the innings by mentioning that he was reading a Hindi Novel “Mein Banoonga Kalyug ka Abhimanyu” (I will be the Abhimanyu this Dark Age). He went on to describe the protagonist in the novel who resolves to fight despite limited wherewithal-knowledge because he knows that challenge-and-response is central to human life. We volleyed the discussion around the analogy in finer details. It’s a great coincidence that Great Epic Mahabharata’s “Chakravyuh” has similarity to “Labyrinth”(Unicursal Maze…One Way Movement) described with Greek Mythological characters Daedalus-Minos. Both ‘Chakravyuh” ...

SKUewed Life, MIndless Strife

Life is moving so fast that I don’t realize when the day switches on the lights of the night … when the week is inaugurated to give the final departing vote of thanks of its weekend…when festivals appear in foresight of the brisk passing of the hindsight…when the calendar turns old to the just begun new year”…I quipped to myself while conversing with a dear friend last Friday morning. At 140km/hour speed or perhaps more, the social being inside of the car can only focus and experience a few degree of sight/sense at any given moment during the journey. He also sort of cannot afford to attend the scenes passing by. My friend added that the life for most people have become more of this car…the world is the road, worldly life is the car and we all it’s passengers.  The speed of the world life has a strong tail-wind from technology. Number of decisions people make today, number of SKUs as in the product categories that most people use in their life today, number of inte...