Desire the Review of Desire
Bliss Series (Inquiry into Existance)
Corporate Desires and what are they?
…The Financial Gaze (banks, equity holders) desire higher and higher return;
…The Customer Gaze (Higher Quality at Lower Cost);
…The Vendor Gaze (Higher Order @ Higher Price);
…The Employee Gaze (Higher Salary with Life Balance);
…The Nation Gaze (Higher Employment, Higher Taxes);
…The Society Gaze (Prudent Resource Usage, Give back higher to the society).
All the Gazes indicate Rajas or Expansive Expectations from almost all stakeholders. Is it really possible to maintain equanimity or poise or in other words “sattva” in amidst this ever growing mountain of expectations and desires.
Will any of the above stakeholders forego their expansive posture? And if they do, will it really lead to equanimity or poise? Is expansiveness innately bad?
Inherent in the concept of expansiveness as desired by all stakeholders is the idea of
-fair reward for the effort or contribution,
-fair returns for the risk taken
-certainty of longer term economic relevance and continuity
The question now becomes ” Are the Desires set out by the Various stakeholders fair? ”
Modern Science has produced several interesting concepts like the “reach of reason” as covered in Amartya Sen’s “The Idea Of Justice”. Each stakeholder builds the following on the back of his or her individual’s and collective (influencer) reasoning:
… the framework of fair pricing in lieu of his or her contribution, sacrifice, toil ,
…the candidature for long term relevance,
…the throne of supremacy that it deserves over others,
…for survival of “self”, pursuing ill-wishes orill-fate or ill-feeling or ill-actions against competitor
Let’s look at Individual Desires and then collective desires of the stakeholders.
Almost all Ancient Scriptures narrate the idea of moderation and co-operation. While in general and large number, modern quest seems to be completely opposite, one that of success parameters in life linked to the “form” …material…possessions and all of them to be expected to grow and grow. Earlier the pace of expectation of this growth was linked to decade or sort of five year plan but today’s stakeholder desire excessive growth in shortest time.
Love and Fear are the two fundamental cause of all things universal for a being. The programming of the world currently is that if you do not grow in designation, stature, wealth, possessions, etc then the world somehow writes off the person. This being true of an individual is even more emphatic of an organization. Hence if an organization seizes to grow…the stakeholders pull the plug and look for other growing trees, customers pull put, employees hunt for better more stabler tree, vendors squeeze credit line and so forth.
Leaders are and should be state of evolved consciousness…conscious of using Vivek (discretion) for betterment and balance of all stakeholders. In effect producing a measure for balancing all the stakeholders and extending it to aspects of wealth, knowledge & emotion (Lakshmi, saraswati, Durga) for all.
Reviews should make Leadership question, stir, inquire, debate the substance of desires and balancing them for all stakeholders. Leaders should allocate time during reviews to switch to their consciousness or state of awareness. Leadership should strive to churn the data and beautifully create knowledge that liberates and design-discover a larger purpose to invoke happiness, purity, bliss, love amongst the stakeholders. As said in Gita…”Nahin jnane sadrisham pavitram iha vidyate”..
Each business has an inherent esoteric purpose in this cosmos. And each purpose has innumerable esoteric paths for many competitors to co-exist. The Leaders should strive through Chintan, Mananam, Shravanam and try and tune the stakeholders towards this in order to get highest good for the highest number of the people.
Desire the Review of the Desire.
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