Compounded Annual Grunt Rate (CAGR)
“We are poised for quantum leap” “we have what it takes to grow really big” “scale is the game of the name and the name of the game” …Roared Sukchar…CEO of a Small Sized Company. His Guru asked Sukchar as to, “What is growth?” and “Why growth?”. Sukchar said that everybody everywhere is expanding. Growth is life, and stagnancy or degrowth is death. Guru asked “does growth guarantee no-death of a corporate?”. Sukchar paused and then stuttered and then could offer only blank wide eyes. Guru then turned the gaze and said…”look at the universe”. At any given point of time, the Universe is massively expanding (scientists have numerous researches to support this) and they say that there shall come a time when successive scale would lead to implosion. Guru continued to explain that it is Nature’s nature to teach…we should learn. He then added that there is a beautiful balance and cosmos in the way nature manages itself. Guru then quizzed Sukchar to...