
Showing posts from October, 2012

Compounded Annual Grunt Rate (CAGR)

“We are poised for quantum leap” “we have what it takes to grow really big” “scale is the game of the name and the name of the game” …Roared Sukchar…CEO of a Small Sized Company. His Guru asked Sukchar as to, “What is growth?” and “Why growth?”. Sukchar said that everybody everywhere is expanding. Growth is life, and  stagnancy or degrowth is death. Guru asked “does growth guarantee no-death of a corporate?”. Sukchar paused and then stuttered and then could offer only blank wide eyes. Guru then turned the gaze and said…”look at the universe”. At any given point of time, the Universe is massively expanding (scientists have numerous  researches to support this) and they say that there shall come a time when successive scale would lead to implosion. Guru continued to explain that it is Nature’s nature to teach…we should learn. He then added that there is a beautiful balance and cosmos in the way nature manages itself. Guru then quizzed Sukchar to...

Give company to consciousness

 A man went to a Wise one and asked, “what and where is consciouness?” Wise man pointed to the man’s hand and asked, “what is this?”. Replied the man, “That’s my hand”. The wise one then went on and asked about the person’s legs, ears, eyes and hair. He then went to the level of asking as to who answered these questions. The man said that his thoughts helped him answer his questions. So the wise one asked, “Are you the thoughts?”… To which the man said “no”. This inquiry went on and finally the conclusion was that the “awareness” that is aware of itself being the witness of the body, thoughts, emotions is the consciousness. Deepak Chopra says that consciousness is non-local…one that exists not in time, space and matter. The world calls it the new scale called the plank scale at which time, matter and space seize to exist. Now turning to the corporate or company. Is Marketing the company? No. Is sales the company? no is HR the company? no. And forth so, it i...

Desire the Review of Desire

Bliss Series (Inquiry into Existance) Corporate Desires and what are they? …The Financial Gaze (banks, equity holders) desire higher and higher return; …The Customer Gaze (Higher Quality at Lower Cost); …The Vendor Gaze (Higher Order @ Higher Price); …The Employee Gaze (Higher Salary with Life Balance); …The Nation Gaze (Higher Employment, Higher Taxes); …The Society Gaze (Prudent Resource Usage, Give back higher to the society). All the Gazes indicate Rajas or Expansive Expectations from almost all stakeholders. Is it really possible to maintain equanimity or poise or in other words “sattva” in amidst this ever growing mountain of expectations and desires. Will any of the above stakeholders forego their expansive posture? And if they do, will it really lead to equanimity or poise? Is expansiveness innately bad? Inherent in the concept of expansiveness as desired by all stakeholders is the idea of -fair reward for the effort or contribution, -fair returns fo...

Review the review of the Review

We are all subjected to reviews in every moment… in all places…in all matters of life. Some reviews are structured [repeatable, reproducible, over time, over  different people], periodic while some are ad-hoc, one-off, unstructured. Then again some reviews are personal while there also are professional reviews. Each passing moment of review is actually a moment of judging or analyzing where our chitta [awareness channel], jnanedriyas [sensory organs] interplays with the vivek [discretion],  memory bank and the unfolding ever-growing “desires”. If at several times the reviewer is not anybody else, then for surely it is our self reviewing self. Communities in ancient times inquired, imbibed, assimilated,  handed-down several ways of making -sense of life, nature, cosmos in chaos. Some of them became foundational texts of “way of being” and some of them later got wrapped in the womb of religion. These texts even articulated modus operandi of an institution. Such insti...