
Showing posts from May, 2020

The William Forrester & Jamal Wallace in You

A genius kid from low rung meets a prize winning recluse and both transform each other. Sixteen year old Jamal Wallace (Rob Brown) gets an opportunity in a prestigious private school. School's hope pinned high on his basketball ability and not so much in anything else, Jamal accidentally encounters William Forrester (Sean Connery).  Forrester's tragedies in life rips him away from his success (Pulitzer Prize).In course of tutelage to deserving Jamal, Forrester gradually and accidentally kindles his own life. Jamal's talent (for writing) shines and how !!! "Awareness" is the proverbial Jamal here in each of us. It is at the low rung of our priorities and importance. We believe that everything else that awareness is able to do for us, our thinking-feeling-saying-doing, is more worthy of cultivation.  Epiphanies and deep longings and timeless wisdom are the proverbial Forresters in us. Once or few times, having had the grand success of tasting dee...