truth of the pudding lies in
"Log aaj kal bahut jhoot bolne lagey hain" (nowadays, people lie a lot) said Kamleshji this morning and further added, "And that's the biggest challenge of our times". Kamleshji, in his mid-sixties, earns his survival by selling milk packets, door-to-door to about 300 homes. He has vivid memories from 60's onwards. And he believes that "when a society pawns truth for desires, interest rates take generations to repay, and principal is wiped out along with the culture". His statement reincarnated the year 2008 in my memories. Another corner stone of the world. Many corner offices shook up. Some even vanished. They say that the massive financial meltdown was due to holding-trading of an asset class that had a draining-drowning hole in it. But, was financial market, the place where delivery shamed the promise? No. Actually it’s much deeper. It’s called "a man's words" or "a gentleman's promise". We all...