Multiple-Reality Disorder
Glass sits there and contains the water. I shake it, and the water inside the glass moves. It moves for some time, then works by itself and later comes back to a seeming "rest". We all agree that this final unmoving state as per our regular perspectives would means "rest". One science knows that the earth is rotating at 1600 kms per hour and so it means that this water is also moving and so are we. But the water appears to be at rest and we believe so too. Depending on whose perspective from which the water is looked at, it would either be at rest or in movement. Another science knows that at the smaller scale of the water's atom, there would be constant interactions happening in the hydrogen and oxygen bonds. However, our natural human eyes can't notice it. At one scale, we call it "resting" and at another scale the same resting is called "movement". At one perspective, we call it "resting" and...