
Showing posts from January, 2015

strangely familiar

many a times while strolling down the thought lanes i halt i halt and become surprised and numb because despite being in company for thirty six years i rush into some moments of mystical strangeness as if "what am i doing here" everything appears and feels strange the body the surrounding and i indeed also feel inside these contains that i am being played and there is a sudden rush of "being lost" if i dont return because the familiar when estranged becomes strangely familiar though filled with void which i am only ready to avoid.

time to sync or sink

If I were to tell you right now, that you may leave anything and everything you are doing, and get out and walk for a 20 kms, what would you do? Well almost 100 percent of you would call this a hoax or a gimmick or ask for reasons or even if you believe (that is some of you know me well) then you would give me accounts of your priorities and the etcetra orchestra. The accuracy of this, lies in the fact that your "agency of will", "the double-edge of your rationality", and the "energy management of your body" hasn't budgeted for this action. So what exactly happened when you read the first statement of this email? Your mind scanned the statement ... made some meaning out of it and then referenced it to your "will", "priority plans", "budgeted body energy expenditure", "habit trials and trails", "my trustworthiness", "my importance", "readiness to experiment...