Ace waits Grace
We all wait. But don't want to wait. Everyday. Through the day. Wait appears a fooling bait. Wait@Traffic, Wait@Lift, Wait@Phones Wait@Deals, Wait@Relationships, Wait@Designation Thrones. Wait makes us feel slow or low. We don't see its universal design as innate part of the flow. Inner default mode is "Lot other needs completion. Lets get done fast". Inside of us, the mind-body commits effort-time-energy cast. Once committed, has to be spent. If it takes more time, it has to be bent. We bend towards frustration & anger. Little realizing that its a futile, self-goal hangar. Instead at all types and times of wait, deep breathe thrice. It leads a sure. Certainly not as a dice. Calm Checks in. Compassion reside. Now more space & time on your side. Clarity emerges. Bias Submerges. Creativity-Intuition to you now strongly urges. Waiting gracefully turns you into Ace. Making India a Super Power. Reclaiming long lost Grac...