Promissory or Promiscuous Note
Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself - Khalil Gibran. Promissory ˈpr ɒ m ɪ s(ə)ri/ 1. conveying or implying a promise. Promiscuous prəˈm ɪ skj ʊ əs/ 1. demonstrating or implying an unselective approach; indiscriminate or casual. In conventional parlance, a Bank Note (Dollar Bill or Rupee Note) is frequently referred to as a promissory note… a promissory note made by a bank (Central Bank like RBI in India) and payable to bearer on demand. Here the Bank stands the guarantee for the authenticity, relevance, value of the note. Whereas public in general also issue their own versions of promissory notes: here the promissory note is a legal/financial instrument in which one party ( issuer ) promises in writing to pay a determinate sum of money to the other ( payee ), either at a fixed or determinable ...