
Showing posts from September, 2013

Garden the Monday Blues

  How MBA students@ Georgetown university to have meditation course + how to handle Monday Blues + Tupperware CEO's Mediation regime. Lets start with an interesting finding: As a sign of how much the business world is beginning to consider meditation a supplement to more established career strategies, Georgetown University will be offering a credit course in meditation for its MBA program this year. Garden the Monday Blues For long, Monday mornings have remained an uphill task for many corporate citizen. According to one Gallup study, human species contract a lot of ailments and also mortality on Monday more than any other species. A simple solution comes and converges from multiple wisdom tradition: "When the flower arranger arranges the flowers, he also arranges his mind and the mind of the person who looks at the flowers"- Zen Saying. Hence how we arrange "Monday" in our minds & behavior, influences our day and the onlookers' day to...

Rocket Science of Happiness

Farrah was behind the wheels on the morning of 29 th August taking me to Silverstone Circuit just on the skirts of Northampton-Towcester. Summer had vacated the place and Winter was moving in as the new tenant. The change of season had a metaphoric cousin in the fate of Kenya too. Farah belonged to Kenya and keen-ya he was to go back to his country that was seeing a transformation. Being a cabbie, he was used to ferry various human luggages. Some lean… more hefty, some bright… more dull, some talkative and more mute. He planted the seed of smile on his face from day one of his life as a cabbie. And this seed cross-pollinated magically to most other human luggages too. Upon asked, “Why do you wear a smile?”… his answer was extremely profound. He mentioned that there are two levels of reality which can answer this. At one level, it’s the Ubuntu Philosophy from Africa which simply means that “I am because we are”. He took this further by explaining that if people around are happy and sm...