Garden the Monday Blues
How MBA students@ Georgetown university to have meditation course + how to handle Monday Blues + Tupperware CEO's Mediation regime. Lets start with an interesting finding: As a sign of how much the business world is beginning to consider meditation a supplement to more established career strategies, Georgetown University will be offering a credit course in meditation for its MBA program this year. Garden the Monday Blues For long, Monday mornings have remained an uphill task for many corporate citizen. According to one Gallup study, human species contract a lot of ailments and also mortality on Monday more than any other species. A simple solution comes and converges from multiple wisdom tradition: "When the flower arranger arranges the flowers, he also arranges his mind and the mind of the person who looks at the flowers"- Zen Saying. Hence how we arrange "Monday" in our minds & behavior, influences our day and the onlookers' day to...