
Showing posts from December, 2012

Extinct the Instincts

 Last two decades have seen some really intense effort on part of scientific community to collaborate the distinct faculties of science for better understanding. In a recent panel discussion of one such gathering in San Diego, there were fundamental discussions around social primates, self identity and xenophobia. I have attempted to  further the interpretation in the following manner for Corporate Use. 1. “We are social primates”…we are primed to be social…to have interpersonal relations or equations with family, neighbours, relatives, occupational, society, ecosystem at large. This is exhibited humungously more in humans than any other species. 2.” Deriving self identity also on basis of groups we are a part of”…identity of self has a big component of “belonging ness ” to a group… ….”birds of a feather flock together”…is a classic reference point. In fact in the Corporate Environment, the employees quickly figure out seeming like-minded ness and align ...

the who?

World roars, “Who Are You?”, Ignorant Follower…the Mind… doesn’t Argue. To become “The Who”, you join the race, The Climb to become the Followed “Few”. “Is” versus  “The Ought” lives few moments in your busy life, “The Who” shouts back, “Ought” is a mirage…the endless-meaningless strife. “The Who” enslaves you, en-corrupts you, Un-ethics you, Un-humans you, You say just some more distance you will cover and then, You will leave the chase of “The Who” “The Who” as defined in Scriptures, also the Science necessitates, Is “The Who” who Lives Life of Values-Virtues; Million Years of Human Existence, Billions walked this Earth, Few made it to “The Who” and Many a Billion mere Clueless Clue, Values-Virtues are super abundant and needs only to be mined, “The Who” is No-Thing but brutal battle inside and of the Mind. Everytime you become ‘The Who”, you want to be “Another Who”, From “One Who” to “Another Who”, If you can discover … The One witnessing inside of You...